Page 8 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 6-12-15
P. 8
8 June 12, 2015 News BULLSEYE
New program prepares Airmen, families
to bounce back after deployments
By Master Sgt. Christian Michael Youth Programs and Joint Base San An- provides is it creates a nonthreatening initiative can be implemented as best suits
tonio-Fort Sam Houston mobilization environment where people can recharge each unit, ranging from ready-to-launch
Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center and deployment, R4R recently funded a themselves,” Moore said. “I can only hope program schedules to custom events cre-
campout with multiple military families, that people take advantage of the opportu- ated on-site.
Public Affairs which offered families the chance to ex- nities that are to come.”
perience recreational camping in a group “Services programs are critical parts
JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACK- environment. Still other units are using R4R for AFS- of the Air Force readiness and retention
LAND, Texas — Air Force services recently VA’s Golf Player Development program. equation,” Weston said. “These programs
added a new tool to encourage service “Military families are looking to do Hurlburt Field, Florida; Dover Air Force contribute to readiness and productivity
members and their families who are af- things together as a family,” said Jared Base, Delaware; Joint Base Elmendorf- by promoting fitness, esprit de corps and
fected by deployments to participate in Moore, the teen director at Lackland youth Richardson, Alaska; Aviano Air Base, Italy; quality of life. To support Airmen and the
morale, welfare, and recreation programs programs. “Camping is one of those activi- and Osan AB, South Korea, are just some mission requires organizing, training and
and activities. The “Recharge for Resil- ties that some families are not willing to of the bases scheduled to host this exciting equipping properly to ensure success.”
iency” (R4R) initiative was designed to do alone, so we provided an inexpensive new program. The Golf Player Develop-
help Airmen readjust to life at home and family recreation environment that people ment program consists of four, 1.5-hour The $1.5 million initiative is voluntary
also include families in their reintegration. are willing to participate in because other clinics conducted with the assistance of for units. Currently, 38 Air Force installa-
military families will be present.” former Ladies Professional Golf Associa- tions participate in R4R, and any remain-
“Not only does R4R create new opportu- tion Tour professionals, who play alongside ing units interested in participating must
nities for Airmen to spend time with fami- With lots of positive feedback from the participants. execute funds allotted for their populations
lies in a decompressed environment, but it campout participants, Moore said that by Sept. 30. Air Force Reserve Command
also exposes them to numerous programs the R4R program was great for military Because R4R uses existing programs, doesn’t offer R4R, as it already operates the
already available to them through the families and had a lot of potential if given AFSVA is able to focus on making pro- Yellow Ribbon Program for reservists en
morale, welfare and recreation programs at the chance to grow, especially given R4R’s grams highly customizable to each loca- route to and from deployment.
Air Force installations,” said Linda Weston, versatility and ability to connect people to tion based on local resources, facilities
the special programs manager at Air Force a real decompression outlet. and demographics. Also, to reduce impact For more information on available
Services Activity. on current programs and workload, the R4R programs, contact the local base
“The advantage that the R4R program force support squadron.
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