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Train the world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 fighter pilots                                                                                               Feb. 26, 2016
                                                                                                                                                       Vol. 16, No. 8

INSIDE                                                7ULHGWUXHWDNHRIIUHDG\«

„ GI Bill changes, 3
„ ALS grads, 4
„ KC-135 saves F-16, 5
„ Physique champ at Luke, 7
„ AF Week in photos, 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Staff Sgt. Luther Mitchell Jr.

                                                      Six F-16 Fighting Falcons await instructions prior to launch Tuesday at the end of the runaway at Luke Air Force Base. The

                         Airman 1st Class Shan Ridge  Airpower key to ISIL fight; strikes to continue

F-35s OUT FOR THE EVENING                                FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. —                 food and medicine to starving civilians in          Coalition aircraft, he said, have per-
                                                      The head of Operation Inherent Resolve’s       besieged Syrian towns.                           formed almost 120 airstrikes on bulk cash
                                       See Page 10    air campaign said Feb. 18 the “most precise                                                     sites, gas and oil separation plants, and
                                                      air campaign in history” has severely hurt        “It doesn’t stop operations against Daesh     crude oil collection points to date.
INDEX                                                 terrorist plans across Iraq and Syria, with    or ISIL,” Brown said of the relief effort. “The
                                                      more airstrikes to come.                       areas where most of the humanitarian aid            Eight coalition nations recently dropped
Action line ............................. 2                                                          is going are areas where we don’t operate.”      about 80 precision-guided bombs at the
Briefs..................................... 3            “There is no doubt coalition airpower                                                        heart of terrorist command and control,
Spotlight ................................ 4          has and continues to dramatically de-             The general also denied coalition involve-    logistics and sanctuary areas in Al Qaim,
Diversions ........................... 16             grade Daesh’s ability to fight and conduct     ment in the Feb. 15 bombing of four hospi-       Iraq, and Abu Kamal, Syria, during another
Sports.................................. 19           operations,” Lt. Gen. Charles Brown Jr.,       tals and a school in northern Syria that left    set of strikes, according to the general.
                                                      commander of U.S. Air Forces Central           dozens of people dead.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK                                     Command, said of the terrorist group also                                                          “The objective of the coalition airstrikes
                                                      known as the Islamic State of Iraq and            “There are only two people flying in that     was to restrict Daesh movement throughout
   “Every action we take and every de-                the Levant.                                    area — the Russians and the Syrians,”            the Euphrates River Valley,” he said.
cision we make molds the foundation                                                                  Brown said of the non-coalition forces. “I can
for the path ahead. Our warrior ethos                    Ongoing missions by the 19-nation air       guarantee you that it wasn’t the coalition.”        Airpower has been instrumental in
and our Airman’s creed pay homage to                  coalition is exploiting ISIL’s weaknesses,                                                      ground operations, particularly in Ramadi,
those who came before us, those who                   as its leaders and fighters flee in large         Accurate strikes                              a former stronghold for the extremists.
paved the way and those that made                     numbers due to effective airpower, said           Brown also touted successful airstrikes
the ultimate sacrifice.”                              Brown, who serves as the operation’s com-      against ISIL-controlled oil facilities and          “The recent success of Iraqi Security
                                                      bined forces air component commander.          monetary centers, saying that they’ve            Forces in clearing Ramadi comes after
        Master Sgt. Michael Hamill                                                                   crippled their financial resources. This has     months of supporting ground forces with
56th Aerospace Medicine Squadron                         “As the coalition has garnered a greater    resulted in ISIL cutting funds to its fighters   close air support,” he said.
                                                      understanding of the enemy, our airpower       and combat operations.
WEATHER                                               efforts have evolved and it’s clear airpower      During strikes Feb. 13, Air Force and            Brown credited airstrikes with helping
                                                      is a vital element to this fight,” Brown said  Navy aircraft wiped out five financial tar-      take back the city of Sinjar in northern
                 Today                                from Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar.                 gets in a few minutes in downtown Mosul,         Iraq, as well as Hasakah and the Tishreen
                                                                                                     Iraq, using precision-guided bombs, he said.     Dam in Syria.
             80°/56°                                     Persistent ops                                 “I think it surprised Daesh because we
                                                         There are no plans for the air campaign     were able to do very precise weaponeering           “We are making progress,” he said. “We
                       Sunny                          to be impacted by a possible ceasefire to      in order to strike them and also minimize        will continue delivering airpower to destroy
                                                      let nongovernmental agencies deliver           civilian casualties,” he said.                   and eventually defeat Daesh.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                Courtesy of

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