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Feb. 26, 2016 NEWS Thunderbolt
Bataan 2016, who will you march for?
The 27th annual Bataan Memorial Death 90 pounds at the time of rescue. He attri- in his right leg he walked straight to the light category which has no weight require-
March is gearing up to step into another butes his survival to two fellow Soldiers Bataan survivors to say thank you. ments. Participants in the runners category
record-breaking year March 20 at White and Clemson graduates, Henry Leitner and state every year how much of an endurance
Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. The Otis Morgan, who cared for him when he “For me it’s a reminder of those a long time test the 1,400-foot-elevation climb and the
event is an active history lesson and a true fell ill during the march. Before they were ago who sacrificed so much for their country “Sand Pit” are to accomplish. Military or
test of endurance. forced to march, Skardon said he hid away and today for those still serving all over the civilian teams of five can also take on the
a can of condensed milk and his Clemson world,” Estremadoyro-Fort said. challenge.
Considered one of the hardest marathon- ring in a piece of cloth. He would take sips
length routes in the U.S., participants come of the condensed milk during the march Since its inception in 1989, the Bataan Staff Sgt. David Esquivel, Army Combat
from all over the world to honor the Bataan and traded his ring for a chicken and a Memorial Death March has grown from Engineer, participated in the 2015 Bataan
fallen and World War II survivors. can of ham. about 100 to more than 12,000 marchers, March with his 13-year-old son, Andrew.
spectators and volunteers from around the
“They stand as a living testament to the In his honor, every year some of the world. The march is a military event, but “He just asked me one day if he could
memory of Bataan,” said Brig. Gen. Timothy participants carry cans of condensed milk many civilians and athletes come to WSMR do it and I started training him up for it,”
Coffin, WSMR commander, during the 2015 signed by Skardon. to take the challenge or volunteer. Esquivel said. “My wife was on board, so
opening ceremony. “They faced physical and my family is fully supportive. I’m proud of
spiritual hardships that for many were too The prisoners of war were randomly Lisa Frankson, Family and Morale Wel- him that at such a young age he wants to do
great to bear. beaten and denied food and water for days. fare and Recreation Bataan March director, something like this.”
Thousands died and those who fell behind said that without the battalion of over 1,200
The legacy of the march, which has were executed. Those who survived the volunteers the annual Bataan Memorial Esquivel began training for the event
brought us here today, keeps its history march faced the hardships of a prisoner- Death March would not exist. months before and highly encouraged par-
alive and ensures the sacrifices made and of-war camp. The march became known as ticipants to do some form of preparation.
lessons learned are not forgotten.” the Bataan Death March. “We don’t have enough staff to support this
size event,” she said. “It is critical that we “Be prepared mentally and physically. Go
The story of the Bataan Death March “They disrupted the enemy’s timetable,” have volunteers. It wouldn’t happen without into it knowing you will finish and think of
began April 9, 1942, when around 75,000 said Margaret Garcia, daughter of deceased them.The amount of support and hours they those who actually went through it,” he said.
Filipino and U.S. Soldiers were surrendered Bataan Memorial Death March survivor give can’t be measured.” “As with everything in the Army, prepara-
to the Japanese forces. The Americans were Evans Garcia. “They crippled the Japanese tion is key.”
Army, Army Air Corps, Navy and Marines. War efforts. They kept the faith. They held Frankson also said the volunteer-age
Among those seized were members of the on, dug deep, and found a reservation of groups vary, but every year more and more Each year, information is sent to all
200th Coast Artillery, New Mexico National strength and courage. If dad was here today younger volunteers can be seen all over the military installations through their chain of
Guard. The prisoners were forced to march he’d say, ‘Well it wasn’t all bad. Let me tell Bataan route. command and through FMWR recreational
approximately 100 kilometers north to you the pros,” she said. channels to reach maximum military and
Nueva Ecija to Camp O’Donnell, a prison “It’s very unique for the younger genera- Defense Department personnel. The WSMR
camp, in the scorching heat through the During the 2015 memorial march, ten tion to volunteer for something like this,” she commanding general also sends challenge let-
Philippine jungles. Bataan survivors shook every participant’s said. “The fact that they are here in mass is ters to general officers throughout the Army.
hand at the start and finish line. Seven wonderful and inspiring. They get it, and it
One of those brave men who survived Bataan survivors plan to attend the 2016 gives you hope.” The 2016 Bataan Memorial Death March
the march is retired Col. Ben Skardon, Bataan Memorial Death March. will feature a new timing system that will
a 97-year-old Bataan survivor who has The 2015 Bataan Memorial Death March allow marchers and their family members
marched 8.5 miles for the last eight years One of the participants in 2015 was Cadet also raised 21,679 pounds of nonperishable to receive accurate times throughout the
during the Bataan Memorial Death March. Sgt. Juan Carlos Estremadoyro-Fort, an food donated by marchers in the heavy cat- course of the Bataan Memorial Death March
18-year-old cadet sergeant from the New egory who carried the nonperishable food in through the use of a mobile application.
“Coming to WSMR is now my pilgrimage,” Mexico Military Institute, who shook hands their packs. Every year the food is donated Participants can download the “IT’S YOUR
Skardon said. “I’m privileged to be able with Bataan survivors after he finished his to the Las Cruces Roadrunner Food Bank. RACE” application for mobile devices.
to make my eighth trip to White Sands. I first marathon-length run in a little over
learned how easy it is to die when you lose three hours. Marchers can select between two routes, For more information, training tips and
the will to live,” he said. the full 26.2 miles or 14.2 miles. Participants how to register, visit
Thirsty, hungry and with a slight cramp can choose to participate in the heavy cat-
Skardon was 24 years old and weighed egory, which requires you to carry a pack Courtesy of White Sands Missile Range
that weighs more than 35 pounds, or the
Squadron challenge
Presented by
Luke Air Force Base Chapel
Staff Sgt. Staci Miller 11:30 a.m. until the food runs out
Roasted pork loin
Scalloped potatoes
Corn, corn bread
Salad, fruits