Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-26-16
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Thunderbolt                                    NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                 Feb. 26, 2016                     5                                                                                                                                                                                             

KC-135 crew saves F-16 pilot                                                                             Notice to landlords covered under SCRA
from ejecting over enemy lines
                                                                                                                             by Capt.                                                                                month-to-month rentals is 30 days after
   MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE,                   utes of fuel at a time, so the crew escorted                        JHEREMY PERKINS                                                                                   the next rental payment is due. The effec-
Kansas — A KC-135 Stratotanker crew            the aircraft to its base while refueling                                                                                                                              tive date of termination for all other leases
from McConnell Air Force Base saved an         every 15 minutes to avoid an emergency.                                            56th Fighter Wing Legal                                                            is the last day of the month following the
F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot from eject-                                                                                                                                                                               month notice of termination was delivered.
ing over Islamic State of Iraq and the            “The first thought I had from read-                       It is important for military members                                                                     Written notice and a copy of the military
Levant-held territory in 2015, which           ing the note from the deployed location                   to understand the appropriate process                                                                       orders will effectively terminate the lease.
could have resulted in the Airman’s            was extreme pride for the crew in how                     to provide notice to a landlord under the                                                                   The written notice may be hand delivered,
captivity or death.                            they handled the emergency,” said Lt.                     Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act. The                                                                       sent by U.S. mail (preferably certified),
                                               Col. Eric Hallberg, the 384th ARS com-                    process is explained below; however, the                                                                    or sent through a private carrier, such
   While deployed in support of Op-            mander.                                                   legal office is here to assist as well.                                                                     as FedEx or UPS. The notice may be as
eration Inherent Resolve, the crew re-                                                                                                                                                                               simple as “I, [state your name and rental
sponded to an F-16 fuel emergency and             “Knowing the risks to their own safety,                   Some landlords do not understand the                                                                     address], hereby notify [state landlord/
escorted the aircraft from ISIL territory      they put the life of the F-16 pilot first                 definition of permanent change of station                                                                   apartment complex/property manager
to allied airspace.                            and made what could’ve been an inter-                     as contained in the SCRA. The statute                                                                       name] that I am terminating my lease
                                               national tragedy a feel-good news story.                  does not define the term. The Joint Travel                                                                  in accordance with the Servicemembers
   “We were in the area of responsibility      I’m sure they think it was not a big deal,                Regulations do, however, define PCS. The                                                                    Civil Relief Act. Enclosed please find a
and were already mated with some A-10          however, that’s because they never want                   definition is too lengthy to include here.                                                                  copy of my military orders for a permanent
Thunderbolt IIs that were tasked with          the glory or fame.”                                                                                                                                                   change of station. I intend to vacate the
observing and providing close air sup-                                                                      The issue of what PCS means has                                                                          premises on [date].”
port for our allies on the ground,” said          Even after the crew escorted the F-16                  arisen in federal court. In United States
Capt. Nathanial Beer, a 384th Air Re-          back, they completed the rest of their                    v. Empirian Property Management, Inc., (a                                                                      Be aware a service member can waive
fueling Squadron pilot. “The lead F-16         daily missions, achieving 100 percent                     2012 case from the District of Nebraska)                                                                    his or her rights under SCRA in a lease.
came up first and then had a pressure          success.                                                  Empirian was forbidden from refusing, in                                                                    The legal office is willing to review leases
disconnect after about 500 pounds of                                                                     violation of SCRA, to terminate a service                                                                   for service members prior to signing the
fuel. We were expecting to offload about          “In my thoughts, what motivates them                   member’s residential lease after receiving                                                                  document. The legal office in fact will re-
2,500 pounds.”                                 is a higher calling to be the best at the                 a written notice of lease termination and                                                                   view a variety of contracts prior to or after
                                               mission and take care of their fellow                     a copy of that service member’s military                                                                    a service member signs the document.
   After the F-16 disconnected a second        Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen,” the com-                   orders for a PCS, including PCS orders
time, the pilot went through his check-        mander said.                                              discharging, releasing, or separating that                                                                     Members may visit the legal office for
lists and told the crew he had a fuel                                                                    service member from military service un-                                                                    legal assistance as a walk-in 3:30 to 4 p.m.
system emergency. Over 80 percent of              Tankers like the KC-135 have made it                   der honorable conditions; a copy of that                                                                    Thursdays. Same-day appointments can
his total fuel capability was trapped and      possible to extend the range and persis-                  service member’s military orders in sup-                                                                    be scheduled at 7:30 to 8:15 a.m. Tuesdays
unusable.                                      tence of Operation Inherent Resolve air                   port of a military operation lasting at least                                                               and Thursdays and active-duty members
                                               operations, enabling coalition aircraft to                90 days; or a copy of orders showing that                                                                   may call for forecasted appointments. For
   The F-16 could only use up to 15 min-       maintain a 24/7 presence.                                 an individual is entering military service.                                                                 more information, call 623-856-6901.

                                                                                     Courtesy of     The effective date of termination for

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