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Feb. 26, 2016                                                                               NEWS                                                                                    Thunderbolt

 PEOPLE                                              The secretary also spoke to the numerous                            “It was an interesting concept because the                 0RELOH,&8LPSURYHV
   FIRST                                          operations Airmen are currently supporting                          policy was … we (blacks) weren’t capable of                   care for wounded troops
                                                  around the world.                                                   doing anything technical, to include main-
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is                                                                       taining and flying airplanes,” McGee said.                       The mission of the 379th Expeditionary
compiled from information from the Air Force         One part of taking care of people is en-                                                                                       Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron in Al
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup-        suring the Air Force modernizes its aircraft                            Udeid Air Base, Qatar, is to provide medical
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness        fleet and develops its capabilities to ensure                                Article/657792/tuskegee-airmen-share-life-           care for wounded service members, while
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel  Airmen maintain an advantage as adver-                                                                              lessons.aspx  flying them to locations where they can
office and armed forces news services. For the    saries close the technological gap.                                                                                               receive further treatment.
complete story, go to the web address listed at                                                                       1HZFRFKDLUPDQMRLQV
the end of the story.                                       Air Force’s retiree council                                      The unit provides this service to U.S. mili-
                                                       Article/655828/james-focuses-on-value-of-air-                                                                                tary members, as well as coalition partners,
-DPHVIRFXVHVRQ                                                                men-at-afa-breakfast.aspx                A new co-chairman will share the head                      supporting Operations Inherent Resolve
YDOXHRI$LUPHQ                                                                                                       of the table at this year’s Air Force Retiree                 and Freedom’s Sentinel during aeromedical
                                                  Tuskegee Airmen                                                     Council meeting in May.                                       evacuations.
   Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee         share life lessons
James spoke during the Air Force Associa-                                                                                Retired Lt. Gen. Stephen Hoog, who left                       In 2015, more than 1,000 patients with
tion’s Air Force Breakfast Series Feb. 12            Three members of the famed Tuskegee                              active duty in October, succeeds retired Lt.                  a variety of injuries including gunshot
at the Key Bridge Marriot in Arlington,           Airmen visited with Airmen at the Penta-                            Gen. Steven Polk as council co-chair with                     wounds, brain trauma and blast injuries
Virginia.                                         gon during a meet and greet hosted by Air                           retired Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force                    were flown out of the U.S. Central Com-
                                                  Force Secretary Deborah Lee James Feb. 16.                          Rodney McKinley.                                              mand area of responsibility by the squad-
   James emphasized that her number one                                                                                                                                             ron. The unit’s Critical Care Air Transport
priority is to take care of Airmen and she           Retired Col. Charles McGee and former                               The co-chairs serve as personal advisers                   Team, which consists of a doctor, nurse and
ensured the fiscal year 2017 budget focused       Cadets William Fauntroy Jr. and Walter                              to the chief of staff and the secretary of the                therapist, provides care for the most criti-
on this.                                          Robinson Sr. shared stories and insights                            Air Force on all issues regarding retirees                    cally wounded and has treated 10 service
                                                  about their lives as Tuskegee Airmen and                            and their families. Hoog’s appointment was                    members since Jan. 1.
   James thanked Congress for their sup-          as civilians after they left the military.                          announced by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen.
port to modestly upsize the active-duty                                                                               Mark Welsh III.                                                  “We are basically a mobile intensive care
force from roughly 311,000 to 317,000 by             “I had a breadth of understanding of what                                                                                      unit,” said Master Sgt. Illeana, a 379th
the end of this fiscal year. She also expanded    could be, because I had accepted the train-                            Meeting at the Air Force Personnel Center,                 EAES respiratory therapist from Maryland.
on how the fiscal 2017 budget will support        ing and the discipline,” said Robinson, who                         the council receives briefings on today’s Air                 “We have everything we need to give people
Airmen, such as a 1.6 percent pay raise for       went on to be the first black postal manager                        Force structure from senior members of the                    the most definitive patient care, just like
military and civilian forces, an expanded         in Washington, D.C.                                                 Air Staff and other Air Force elements. This                  they would receive in an ICU at a hospital.”
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response                                                                                information helps the 19-member panel ad-
Program, additional support for child care           The Tuskegee Airmen were named after                             dress issues submitted from 100 base-level                       This mobile ICU consists of a five-
facilities, and educational benefit boosts.       the Tuskegee Army Airfield near Tuskegee,                           retiree activities offices worldwide. Subjects                member AE crew, a CCATT and about
                                                  Alabama, where they received their pilot                            range from health care to publication of the                  1,000 pounds of equipment and supplies,
                                                  and aircraft maintenance training during                            Afterburner newsletter to various benefit                     including ventilators, medication, cardiac
                                                  World War II. The Tuskegee Airmen were                              and entitlement enhancements.                                 monitors and bandages.
                                                  not just flyers but also radio operators,
                                                  navigators, bombardiers, aircraft maintain-                     
                                                  ers, support staff, instructors, and all the                        Article/657453/new-co-chairman-joins-air-forces-                    Article/658547/mobile-icu-improves-care-for-
                                                  personnel who kept the planes in the air.                                                                                                     wounded-troops-being-transported.aspx

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 OFF!                                                                                calming, peace-                  hiking. I enjoy                        lights, bells and      ing. It’s a great
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What is a good stress  Maj.                                                                            Master Sgt.                     Master Sgt.                                  Tech. Sgt.
   UHOLHYHUIRU\RX"  JENNIFER PREYER-BONTON                                                                                                                                       STEVE MARTIN
  :K\GRHVLWKHOS"    56th Medical Support Squadron                                                   JESSICA JOLIN                   FELICIA FENCL                                Detachment 12, 372nd Training Squadron
                                                                                                       56th Component Maintenance Squadron 56th Force Support Squadron

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