Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-26-16
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Thunderbolt                                                                          NEWS                                                                                                  Feb. 26, 2016  7                                                                                                                                    

Airman places first in women’s figure competition

   Story and photo by Staff Sgt.                         7HFK6JW-HVVLFD.HOOHUWK6HFXULW\)RUFHV6TXDGURQ0LOLWDU\:RUNLQJ'RJNHQ-                         bodybuilding for years, it wasn’t until a de-
                GRACE LEE                                QHOPDVWHUSHUIRUPVDELFHSFXUO)HEDW(26)LWQHVVLQ$YRQGDOH.HOOHUZRQ¿UVW                     ployment in 2014 that she began the sport.
                 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs        ¿JXUHFDWHJRU\LQ'HFHPEHULQ6DQ'LHJR                                                                 “I’ve always been into fitness,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                                    “As a child I played intramural soccer and
   It had been a difficult journey up to this            was definitely the most challenging because                prep. For a period of time, I kind of lost my-  volleyball for fun then I did martial arts
moment in her bodybuilding career. She                   my mind was not set right due to the pass-                 self, but I knew if she were here she would     seriously until I was 18. I was deployed to
was in the best shape of her life. She envi-             ing of my mother. I used her passing as a                  say, ‘Get back up there, and do it.’”           Afghanistan when I began to prep for my
sioned the routine in her head as she had                motivator to help me continue through the                                                                  first bodybuilding competition. I was going
practiced it for weeks. Then it was her turn                                                                           Although Keller looks as if she has been     through a divorce at the time when I met
to step on stage. She could barely see the                                                                                                                          my friend Fransesca Piccoli who was in the
crowd as the lights were shining brightly                                                                                                                           Army. She’s the one who encouraged me
in her eyes, but the one thing that gave her                                                                                                                        to compete and coached me through the
strength and had gotten her to this point                                                                                                                           entire process.”
was the memory of her mother.
                                                                                                                                                                       Piccoli helped Keller place second in the
   Through hard work and determination,                                                                                                                             women’s figure category of her first show,
Tech. Sgt. Jessica Keller, 56th Security                                                                                                                            the Dennis James Classic NPC May 2014
Forces Squadron military working dog ken-                                                                                                                           in Phoenix. She competed a few months
nel master, won first place in the National                                                                                                                         later in July and placed first in the women’s
Physique Committee Tournament of Cham-                                                                                                                              figure category in the NPC Tournament of
pions competition in the women’s figure                                                                                                                             Champions in San Diego before competing
category December 2015 in San Diego.                                                                                                                                in the Luke bodybuilding competition and
                                                                                                                                                                    placing first, and winning overall.
   Prior to the competition, Keller had re-
ceived humanitarian orders back to Luke                                                                                                                                Keller used her newfound knowledge
Air Force Base from Lackland AFB, Texas,                                                                                                                            from Piccoli to coach herself for her most
due to her mother’s declining health.                                                                                                                               recent competition.

   “The journey of this most recent com-                                                                                                                               “I’m so grateful to have had Fransesca
petition prep was a lot to handle with my                                                                                                                           coach me for my first three competitions
mother having cancer and moving back                                                                                                                                and arming me with the knowledge to coach
to Luke with a new job,” Keller said. “The                                                                                                                          myself,” she said. “I made sure I picked her
hardest part was trying to make time for                                                                                                                            brain and asked questions so I could learn
myself while making time for her. Unfor-                                                                                                                            why she would adjust certain parts of my
tunately her cancer progressed and she
passed away last October. This competition                                                                                                                                                   See COMPETITION, Page 15

Our thank you to the brave men and women who serve our country!

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