Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-26-16
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Feb. 26, 2016              SPOTLIGHT                                                                                        Thunderbolt

ALS graduates 47 Airmen                                                                                               AETC announces 2015 awards

   The 56th Fighter Wing Airman       56th Maintenance                    56th Security Forces                           The following unit and individual received 2015 Air Educa-
Leadership School graduated 46        Group                               6TXDGURQ                                    tion and Training Command awards:
senior airmen and one staff ser-                                                                                      Security Forces Medium Unit
geant Feb. 11 from class 16-2. The    Ethan Halbert, Daniel Kauffman      Nensen Benjamin, Miguel Medina              56th Security Forces Squadron
graduates are senior airmen unless    and Erik Smith                      and Kennetris Wright                        Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Thomas N. Barnes
otherwise noted.                                                                                                      Crew Chief
                                      56th Component                      56th LRS                                    Tech. Sgt. Robert James, 56th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
   The award winners are:             0DLQWHQDQFH6TXDGURQ
John L. Levitow Award: Tyler                                              Matt Degraffenreid and Derek                LUKE                      (from Page 2)
Carson, 56th Aircraft Maintenance     James Lewis                         Young
Squadron                                                                                                              combat flight, Luke’s plane was damaged from machine gun
                                      WK(TXLSPHQW                     56th Medical                                fire on Sept. 29. Without regard for his own personal safety, he
Distinguished graduates: Staff        0DLQWHQDQFH6TXDGURQ                2SHUDWLRQV6TXDGURQ                         landed his plane, removed his sidearm and continued to fight
Sgt. Nicholas Liuzzi, 56th Aerospace                                                                                  on foot until he was hit by a single round.
Medicine Squadron; Adam Martin        Phillip Decosta, Maranda Horton,    Hannah Lund and Kalib Seeley
Jr., 56th Medical Support Squadron;   Jonathan Mays, Paul Randall and                                                    Luke was credited with downing four aircraft and 10 bal-
Michael Ruggeri, 56th Force Sup-      Gregory Simpson                     56th AMDS                                   loons by himself and assisted in downing another four balloons.
port Squadron; and Rodger Plant,                                                                                      He received the Distinguished Service Cross, the Italian War
61st Aircraft Maintenance Unit        56th AMXS                           Kelli Lemons                                Cross and was declared the most daring pilot of the war. His
                                                                                                                      readiness, posture and ability culminated in becoming the first
Commandant’s Award: Allen             Christopher Bilderback, David       WK&LYLO(QJLQHHU                       Airman awarded the Medal of Honor. His selfless actions were
Cherry III, 56th AMDS                 Davidson, Sean Deuerlein, Andrew    6TXDGURQ                                    paramount in the victory of World War I.
                                      Hahn, Joseph Johnson, Richard
Academic Achievement Award:           Luong, Austin Perry, Rodger Plant,  Robert Gonzalez                                Luke Air Force Base was named as tribute to his war record.
Mark Beyer, 61st AMU                  Jarick Rivers and Jordan Tutwiler                                                  Luke’s actions and legacy remind us that readiness is the
                                                                          161st Medical                               ability to be prepared for combat operations. The training we
Physical training                     WK&LYLO(QJLQHHU                Group                                       receive and skills we develop are necessary to succeed. Regard-
Fire breather: Austin Osburn,         6TXDGURQ                                                                        less of career field, we’re all part of a well-greased machine,
56th Logistics Readiness Squadron                                         Monique Bullock and Nichole                 each component essential for maximum operational capabili-
                                      Rochelle Dwyer and John West-       Jordan                                      ties. Luke embraced his skillsets and strived to be the absolute
   Other graduates are:               ensee                                                                           best at everything he did. He consistently adapted, overcame
                                                                          WK6)6                                   and excelled along his journey. His actions helped pave the road
56th Fighter Wing                     56th Communications                                                             for our heritage and way of life.
                                      6TXDGURQ                            Thomas Effan                                   Readiness is not only about skillsets and ability. It encompasses
Devante Williams                                                                                                      our spirituality, mental capacity, internal strengths and physical
                                      Michael Smith                       QG)66                                   capabilities. Use the tools you’re given, refine them and train
56th Operations Sup-                                                                                                  others to be the best they can be. You never know when you may
SRUW6TXDGURQ                         56th FSS                            Corrina Ramos                               be called upon. Every action we take, every decision we make,
                                                                                                                      molds the foundation for the path ahead. Embrace your warrior
Deidre Armenta                        Brian Comia and Robert Lawrence          Courtesy of Tech. Sgt. Danielle Cook   ethos, our Airman’s creed and honor those who came before you.
                                                                                         56th Force Support Squadron

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