Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 2-26-16
P. 12

Feb. 26, 2016                                                                                            NEWS                                                                                     Thunderbolt

‘Eddie the Eagle’ star soars                                                                                                   STREET                                                             City Court. Security forces contacted Peoria
                                                                                                                                 BEAT                                                             police who responded and took control of the
   NAVAL AIR STATION JOINT RESERVE BASE FORT WORTH, Texas                                                                                                                                         individual.
— Hugh Jackman, star of the upcoming movie “Eddie the Eagle,” received a                                               The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled
civic leader flight in an F-16 Fighting Falcon at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve                                   the following incidents Feb. 15 through 21 at                                    Feb. 19: Security forces responded to a re-
Base Fort Worth from the 301st Fighter Wing Feb. 19 in a display of Air Force                                       Luke Air Force Base:                                                          port of a warrant’s hit at South Gate Visitor
Reserve combat capability and air superiority.                                                                                                                                                    Center. Security forces detained a nonmilitary
                                                                                                                    Tickets                                                                       affiliate for the offense of fraud out of Maricopa
   “This is kind of a dream come true,” Jackman said before the flight. “I’m very,                                                                                                                County. Security forces contacted Maricopa
very excited, a little nervous, and I’m fully aware how lucky I am to have this                                        Security forces issued citations for 40 mov-                               County Sheriff ’s Office who responded and
opportunity.”                                                                                                       ing violations and nine nonmoving violations.                                 took control of the individual.

   The wing flew Jackman prior to a sneak preview movie offered to base military                                    Emergency responses                                                              Feb. 16: Security forces stopped an indi-
members, employees, retirees and their families.                                                                                                                                                  vidual who was displaying suspicious activity
                                                                                                                       Feb. 16: Security forces responded to a                                    while walking over the bridge late at night.
   “There’s an incredible amount of gratitude,” he said. “When you’re actually                                      report of a medical emergency at the base                                     The nonmilitary affiliated individual claimed
on the base and you realize the dedication to this area of service, it’s humbling,                                  track where an individual was having chest                                    to have jumped over the wall near the 56th
and it’s something all of us are very grateful for.”                                                                pains. The individual was treated by medical                                  Medical Group clinic. Security forces detained
                                                                                                                    personnel with security forces assistance and                                 the individual for trespassing and contacted
   Jackman’s co-star,Taron Egerton, and director of Eddie the Eagle, Dexter Fletch-                                 transported to a nearby hospital for further                                  Glendale police who took control of the indi-
er, also visited and watched Jackman’s flight from the air traffic control tower.                                   treatment.                                                                    vidual.

   Egerton, in a special twist, coached Jackman through the jet’s takeoff in a role                                    Feb. 21: Security forces responded to a re-                                   Feb. 20: Security forces was contacted by
reversal of the movie. In the film, Jackman acted as Michael ‘Eddie’ Edwards                                        port of a medical emergency in base housing                                   the Fighter Country Inn asking for assistance
coach and Egerton performed as Eddie, the first ski jumper to represent Great                                       where an individual had suffered an injury                                    with an individual unable to pay the room
Britain in the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics.                                                                        from a fall. The individual was treated by                                    fee. Security forces reviewed the receipt of
                                                                                                                    medical personnel with security forces assis-                                 nonpayment and escorted the individual off
   Jackman experienced a few aerial maneuvers in the F-16, which involved                                           tance and transported to a nearby hospital for                                the installation.
a spiral dive from 8,000 feet and a low pass over the runway. He handled the                                        further treatment.
flight well and, upon landing, had only a few words to say about his experience,                                                                                                                  $ODUPDFWLYDWLRQV
“It was awesome.”                                                                                                   Nonemergency responses
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Security forces responded to seven alarm
   The pilot, Lt. Col. David Efferson, the 457th Fighter Squadron commander,                                           Feb. 17: Security forces responded to a re-                                activations on base.
said he had never flown a celebrity this famous before but that the excitement                                      port of a warrant’s hit at South Gate Visitor
is a good thing for the Air Force.                                                                                  Center. Security forces detained a nonmilitary                                Tip of the week
                                                                                                                    affiliate for failure to comply out of Peoria
   “Anything that we can get out, as far as our name and what we do, is good                                                                                                                         With temperatures rising in the area, be
because our Airmen work so hard and do amazing things for our country,” Effer-                                                                                                                    sure to hydrate appropriately and know your
son said. “Flying Hugh Jackman showcased us in a way that we normally don’t                                                                                                                       limit when exercising outside.
have the chance to do. It was an honor to meet him, but for me, I’m more happy
over the spotlight he’s brought to our Airmen, the base, and the U.S. Air Force.”                                                                                                                              Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian LeFevere
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           56th SFS
   After the flight, the ‘Eddie the Eagle’ stars headed to the Movie Reel Theater
for a meet and greet with service members before the movie presentation.

                                                                                                Courtesy of

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