Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, May 28, 2021
P. 1
vol. 5, no. 11 Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR may 28, 2021
An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •
Hunters welcome new 432nd WG/432nd AEW commander
The members of the 432nd Wing and 432nd Air Expedition- “A consolation for stepping
Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary ary Wing have been exceptional… away from this great enterprise
Wing’s Remotely Piloted Aircraft because they were well led,” Franks is handing it over to Col. Eric
enterprise welcomed their new said. “Joker, you’ve done a fantastic Schmidt,” Jones said. “Eric brings
commander during a change of job here; these accomplishments the skills, expertise and the vision
command ceremony, May 20, are your legacy—you should be that will continue to lead 432nd
2021. proud.” Wing into the future.
Col. Eric “OH” Schmidt as- Following the opening com- “In conclusion, to the Airmen
sumed command from Col. Ste- ments, Franks presented Jones of 432nd Wing, your families and
phen “Joker” Jones as Maj. Gen. with the Legion of Merit, high- everyone in this hangar and those
Chad Franks, 15th Air Force com- lighting a myriad of firsts and sig- watching from afar,” he continued.
mander, presided over the event. nificant RPA Enterprise successes. “I see you, I recognize your contri-
Franks discussed the wing’s These included his leadership as butions, and I thank you.”
milestones and accomplishments the first RPA line pilot to lead the After Schmidt assumed com-
during Jones’ two year command Wing and its 24/7/365 combat op- mand, he also paid thanks to his
tour, praising his success with the erations. He preserved this mission family, members of the audience,
assumption of full installation with zero degradation throughout and wingmen who have challenged
command authority, gaining a fifth the COVID-19 pandemic while and supported him throughout his Air Force photograph
group, and adding 400 Airmen also overseeing $83 million in 22 years of service. Col. Eric Schmidt, right, accepts command of the 432nd Wing
and 714,000-square-feet of new facility construction and enabling “I often say our Airmen deserve and the 432nd Air Expeditionary Wing from Maj. Gen. Chad P.
facilities to the wing’s portfolio. firefighting support for California Franks, 15th Air Force commander during a May 20 change of
“The warriors of the 432nd wildfires. __ See COMMANDER, on Page 3 command ceremony at Creech Air Force Base, Nev.
Pilot dies after military contract aircraft crashes in Vegas
Military and federal authorities said aboard the French-built aircraft, which “Words cannot express our loss,” it Board joined military officials in the
May 25 they were probing the cause of records show was built in 1982. said. “A nickel on the grass. We need time investigation. Agency spokesman Eric
a fighter jet crash that killed a civilian In Reno, where he grew up, Hamilton’s to mourn this great loss and appreciate Weiss said May 25 it was too early to
pilot but did not injure anyone on the family released a statement describing the respect given to our privacy in this report on a cause of the crash.
ground in a residential area near Nellis him as “a devoted, kind husband, father, tragic time.” Preliminary findings will be released
Air Force Base, Nev. son and brother” who held a black belt Hamilton was a 2000 U.S. Air Force within two weeks, Weiss said, and find-
The Dassault Mirage F-1 that crashed in taekwondo and was an accomplished Academy graduate, serving as a fighter ings and a final report could take up to
at about 2:30 p.m., May 24 was owned violinist. pilot in the U.S. Air Force for 20 years, two years.
and operated by Lakeland, Fa.,-based “His death has left a large void in including multiple tours in Iraq and Af- Draken spokeswoman Christina
Draken US, a military contractor pro- our lives, and we are all shocked and ghanistan. He retired from the Air Force Childs said the company was cooperating
viding “adversary air support” during heartbroken,” Aaron Damon, a family in March 2020. with federal, state and local authorities
aerial war games flown from Nellis into spokesman, said in the statement to the In a May 24 Twitter post, Nevada Gov. including the NTSB.
restricted air space over central Nevada, Reno Gazette Journal. Steve Sisolak said he and his wife, Kathy, “Our thoughts and prayers go out to
a statement from the base said. “His dedication to his family and his were “praying for all those involved in the people and families affected by this
The pilot was Nicholas Hunter Ham- country will never be forgotten,” said the today’s incident,” including Nellis service event,” the company said a statement.
ilton, 43, of Las Vegas, the Clark County statement on behalf of his wife, their two members and first-responders. _________
coroner said. He was the only person young sons and other family members. The National Transportation Safety See CRAsh, on Page 4
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