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Train the world’s greatest F-35 and F-16 fighter pilots                                                                                               March 25, 2016
                                                                                                                                                               Vol. 16, No. 12

„ Women’s History

     luncheon, 3
„ F-35 IP receives award, 4
„ Tohono O’odham Nation, 5
„ Parenting, 6
„ Luke Air Show, 10

        8 days
      until the

Luke AFB

 Celebrating                                   A 62nd Fighter Squadron F-35 Lightning II successfully employed four laser-guided bombs March 15 on the Barry M. Goldwater
     75 years                                  5DQJHWKH¿UVWZHDSRQVUHOHDVHE\)VIURP/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH

 of air power                                  Luke F-35s drop first weapons

INDEX                                              Story and photo by                 and successfully employ air-to-     our partner nations. Dropping      hadn’t flown a single F-35 sortie
                                                           Staff Sgt.                 ground weapons,” said Lt. Col.      full-scale munitions are a sig-    here,” Gregory said. “Now we’ve
Action line ............................. 2                                           Gregory Frana, 62nd Fighter         nificant step forward for Luke’s   flown more than 4,000 sorties,
Briefs..................................... 3         STACI MILLER                    Squadron commander. “As we          instructors and students.”         trained pilots from the U.S.,
Spotlight ................................ 4                                          execute the mission of training                                        Australia, Italy and Norway,
Diversions ........................... 20            WKÀJKWHU:LQJ3XEOLF$IIDLUV  the world’s greatest F-35 pilots       This new capability gives all   and are executing training for
Sports.................................. 23                                           it is critical we make our train-   of Luke’s F-35 instructor and      the software that will provide
                                                  The F-35A Lightning II pro-         ing as realistic as possible.”      student pilots an opportunity      the IOC for the U.S.”
QUOTE OF THE WEEK                              gram took another step toward                                              to experience realistic training.
                                               initial operational capability            Maj. Matthew Strongin, 62nd                                            This mission follows the Feb.
   “Good communication is a key ele-           March 15 when two aircraft             Fighter Squadron weapons               “All of our instructor pilots   25 employment of laser-guided
ment of successful organizations. As           assigned to the 62nd Fighter           chief, was one of two pilots who    will have the opportunity in       bombs by combat-coded F-35As
leaders, managers or supervisors,              Squadron successfully em-              employed the GBU-12s at the         the coming weeks to experience     from the 388th Fighter Wing at
we’re sometimes so focused on com-             ployed four laser-guided bombs         range.                              weapons employment from the        Hill AFB, Utah, and the March
municating the “what” or the “how”             on the Barry M. Goldwater                                                  aircraft,” Strongin said. “Also,   3 employment from the 33rd
that we fail to explain why the work           Range.                                    “The training focus at Luke      every graduate will experience     Fighter Wing at Eglin AFB,
someone is doing is so important.                                                     has shifted,” Strongin said.        dropping a 500-pound bomb          Florida.
                                                  This marked the first weap-         “The previous years centered        before leaving here.”
                       Col. Todd Osgood        ons release by F-35s assigned to       on building an instructor pi-                                             The 56th FW serves as the
                  379th Expeditionary          the 56th Fighter Wing at Luke          lot cadre. We are now focused          Luke celebrated the two year    primary training facility for the
                                               Air Force Base.                        on producing combat capable         anniversary of receiving the       F-35A, training U.S. Air Force
                           Medical Group                                              warfighters for front-line fighter  F-35 one day before the weap-      pilots as well as pilots from
                                                  “Today we were able to ex-          squadrons in the Air Force and      on’s drop.                         partner nations.
WEATHER                                        ecute one of the primary mis-
                                               sions of this multirole fighter                                               “Two short years ago we
                                               For air show details, go to                                    Use your smartphone to
              87°54°                                                                                                      connect to our website!

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