Page 2 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-25-16
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March 25, 2016                                                                     COMMENTARY                                                                                                         Thunderbolt
                                                                                              Take time to explain ‘why’
             Luke Community Chapel

       Holy Week

Date Time      Service                                        Location                                                      by Col.                                                                   relate to the larger mission or a decision the leader has made
                                                                                                                     TODD OSGOOD                                                                      that causes significant change to the status-quo.Whatever the
Today  3 p.m.  Living Stations of the Cross              Chapel on the Mall                                                                                                                           reason, it’s worth taking the time to explain why.
Today  7 p.m.                                                                                                               WK([SHGLWLRQDU\0HGLFDO*URXS
               (Followed by Soup and Bread Dinner at 6 p.m.) White chapel near Club Five Six                                                                                                             For those who have toddlers, you may notice early in life
                                                                                                 Good communication is a key element of successful                                                    toddlers begin to ask why a lot. No matter how trivial the
               Veneration of the Cross                   LCC                                  organizations. As leaders, managers or supervisors, we’re                                               task, children want to know why you’re doing something
                                                                                              sometimes so focused on communicating the “what” or the                                                 or why they should do something they’ve been asked to
Today 6 p.m. Good Friday Protestant Service              COM                                  “how” that we fail to explain why the work someone is do-                                               do. If you don’t do a very good job explaining to them why
                                                                                              ing is so important.                                                                                    they should do something, they will usually respond with
SatuMrdaayrch 71:,3R0epc.mon. ciEliaasttieornVigil Mass  LCC                                                                                                                                          an emphatic no! As children grow older, their intrigue
SundSaeyrvice7 a.m. Easter Protestant Sunrise Service    COM                                     Other times, we make decisions that impact work pri-                                                 with their surroundings grows, and they ask why often. As
                                                                                              orities or cause significant change, but don’t explain why.                                             adults, our desire to know why continues, but we’re often
Sunday 9 a.m. Easter Protestant Combined Service COM                                                                                                                                                  reluctant to ask. Or, if we know why, we often don’t take
                                                                                                 There are many reasons why leaders don’t explain why.                                                time to explain why to others.
Sunday 10 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass                        Base theater                         Explaining why takes time, and some leaders may not think
                                                                                              that explaining why is important. Sometimes, leaders assume                                                                                                              See WHY, Page 7
               Lenten Lunch 12:30 p.m. Wednesdays LCC Annex                                   others understand the why, whether it is how day-to-day tasks

     ACTION LINE                                                                              How to be happily married to the military

                                                                   393rd Bomb Squadron spouse                strikes 6, 6:30, 7 p.m. The food is now                       opportunities to serve others in our
                                                                                                                                        cold, and you are really frustrated.                          Air Force family. When my spouse is
    The Commander’s Action Line                                                                  For those who have been married,       Your spouse walks in the door an hour                         TDY or deployed, he knows I will be
is your direct line to me with ques-                                                          do you remember when you got en-          later and explains there was a situa-                         OK because I have a healthy support
tions or suggestions about subjects                                                           gaged and people would give you all       tion at work that had to be dealt with                        system of good friends. This knowl-
of concern to the entire Luke Air                                                             kinds of unsolicited advice? I remem-     before he could come home.                                    edge makes it much easier for him to
Force Base community.                                                                         ber my aunt telling me that when you                                                                    leave our family and focus on his job
                                                                                              marry a man, you don’t just marry            I went through this frustrating                            while he is away.
    I appreciate your feedback.                                                               him ... you marry his whole family.       scenario dozens of times during our
Your ideas and concerns help                                                                  No one ever tells you that when you       first years in the Air Force. I finally                          Third, be positive. Your family has
build a stronger foundation on                                                                marry a military man, you don’t just      realized my husband’s job was never                           waited with anticipation for perma-
which we can successfully com-                                                                marry the man ... you marry the mili-     going to be a “nine-to-five” (or even                         nent change of station orders. Where
plete our mission and take care of                                                            tary as well.                             a seven-to-six for that matter). He                           will you go next? Germany? Hawaii?
our people.                                                                                                                             has to stay until the work gets done.                         Florida? Your spouse comes home and
                                                                                                 It’s a huge challenge to have a        I came to the realization I needed to                         ... drum roll please... he announces
    To receive a response, leave Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus                                       happy marriage. It takes a lot of sac-    plan as if he wouldn’t be home for                            that your family will be headed to the
your name and telephone number. 56th FW commander                                             rifice and it’s hard work. But when       dinner, and then if he did get home in                        frozen tundra of Keflavik, Iceland, for
Action Lines of general interest are                                                          you marry an Airman, there’s a third      time, it was a pleasant surprise. Most                        the next three years. This is not the
printed in the Thunderbolt. Remember, the quickest and                                        wheel in the marriage and that’s the      days he does make his family engage-                          dream assignment you had in mind.
most efficient way to resolve a problem is to talk directly to                                Air Force. At the beginning of my         ments on time but remembering to be
the responsible agency or through your chain of command.                                      journey as a military spouse, there       flexible has made me so much happier.                            I’ve learned my children and spouse
                                                                                              were times I really resented that                                                                       are watching my reactions in mo-
    The Action Line isn’t just for complaints. Send along                                     third wheel.                                 Second, be a friend. There will be                         ments like this, and they take their
your kudos when someone provides exceptional service,                                                                                   times when you’re “holding down the                           cues from me. If I try to put my best
goes out of their way to help or deserves a kind word.                                           Over the course of the past 17 years,  fort” while your spouse is deployed                           foot forward when preparing for a new
                                                                                              that resentment gradually grew into       or on temporary duty. You need a                              location, my family will follow suit.
 PHONE NUMBERS                                                                                acceptance, and now I can say I really    support system to help you through                            A positive attitude is huge when it
                                                                                              do love and appreciate the Air Force.     those times. There are lots of places                         comes to helping your family transi-
   Airman and Family Readiness Center ....................... 623-856-6550                    Our marriage is stronger and happier,     to meet good friends: church, squad-                          tion to a new base and community.
   Chapel ................................................................... 623-856-6211    not despite the Air Force, but, in many   ron functions, the community, spouse
   Child Care Center ...................................................623-856-6339          ways, because of the Air Force and the    organizations, PTA, etc.                                         I am so grateful for this Air Force
   Community Center ............................................... 623-856-7152              challenges faced along the way. I’d                                                                     journey and how it has strengthened
   Computer IT service desk .................................. DSN 945-2900                   like to share with you a few things I’ve     A good friend of mine here at White-                       our marriage. As I’ve tried to be flex-
   Eye Clinic ............................................................. 623-856-7965      found that have helped our marriage       man Air Force Base, Missouri, always                          ible, to build a strong support system,
   Fitness Center ....................................................... 623-856-6241        during our Air Force journey.             says, “It’s not the base that makes an                        and to be positive on this journey,
   Flight Medicine .................................................... 623-856-2273                                                    assignment enjoyable, it’s the people                         our marriage and family has become
   Fraud, waste and abuse hotline ............................ 623-856-6149                      First, be flexible. I’m sure many of   you meet and connect with.”                                   stronger and happier. Our children
   Hobby shop .......................................................... 623-856-6722         you have had this experience: You’ve                                                                    are building character and becoming
   +RXVLQJR൶FH           arranged to have a special meal for          There will be times when you are in                        more resilient and the Air Force has
   Law enforcement desk ......................................... 623-856-5970                your family at 6 p.m. Your spouse said    need of help, and there will be times                         progressed from being a third wheel
   Legal assistance .................................................... 623-856-6901         he would be home on time. The clock       when your friends really need your                            to being a special part of our family.
   Library .................................................................. 623-856-7191                                              help. I’ve found so much joy through
   Marketing ............................................................. 623-856-3245
   Military Equal Opportunity ................................. 623-856-7711                                          Luke Editorial Staff                                                                 7KH7KXQGHUEROWXVHVPDWHULDOIURPWKH$UPHG)RUFHV,QIRUPDWLRQ6HUYLFH$LU
   Military pay .......................................................... 623-856-7028                                                                                                               )RUFH1HZV6HUYLFH$(7&1HZV6HUYLFHDQGRWKHUVRXUFHV$OODGYHUWLVLQJLVKDQGOHG
   2൶FHRI6SHFLDO,QYHVWLJDWLRQ .............................623-856-6821                   Commander.......................................................... Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus              E\$HURWHFK1HZVDQG5HYLHZ7KH\FDQEHUHDFKHGE\FDOOLQJ
   Outdoor Recreation .............................................. 623-856-6267             3XEOLF$ႇDLUVFKLHI ................................................. Lt. Col. Matt Hasson
   Pass and registration ............................................. 623-856-4880           3XEOLF$ႇDLUVGHSXW\FKLHI ........................................... .LOH\'RXJKHUW\                       7KH7KXQGHUEROWLVSXEOLVKHGE\$HURWHFK1HZVDQG5HYLHZDSULYDWH¿UPLQQR
   Patient advocate ................................................... 623-856-8968          ,QWHUQDOLQIRUPDWLRQ............................................... 6WDႇ6JW6WDFL0LOOHU              ZD\FRQQHFWHGZLWKWKH86$LU)RUFHXQGHUH[FOXVLYHZULWWHQFRQWUDFWZLWKWKHWK
   3XEOLF$൵DLUV        Editor ........................................................................... 'HERUDK/HXWKROG    )LJKWHU:LQJ/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH$UL]7KLVFLYLOLDQHQWHUSULVH$LU)RUFHQHZVSDSHU
   Security Forces ..................................................... 623-856-5970         'HVLJQHU .................................................................................Tinna Sellie  LVDQDXWKRUL]HGSXEOLFDWLRQIRUPHPEHUVRIWKH86PLOLWDU\VHUYLFHV&RQWHQWVRIWKH
   Straight Talk Line ................................................. 623-856-7064                                                                                                                  7KXQGHUEROWDUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRႈFLDOYLHZVRIRUHQGRUVHGE\WKH86JRYHUQ
   Sexual Assault Prevention/Response .................. 623-856-4878                                                Editorial Information                                                            PHQWWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI'HIHQVHRUWKH'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH$LU)RUFH
   Vehicle Maintenance ............................................ 623-935-6576
   Veterinary services ............................................... 623-856-6354                                 For past issues of the Thunderbolt, go to                                              7KHDSSHDUDQFHRIDGYHUWLVLQJLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQLQFOXGLQJLQVHUWVRUVXSSOHPHQWV
   Wellness Center .................................................... 623-856-2273             and click on PDF edition                                      GRHVQRWFRQVWLWXWHHQGRUVHPHQWRIWKHSURGXFWVRUVHUYLFHVDGYHUWLVHGE\WKH'2'
   Youth Center ......................................................... 623-856-7470             7KHWK)LJKWHU:LQJ3XEOLF$ႇDLUV2ႈFHSUHSDUHVDOOHGLWRULDOFRQWHQWIRUWKH                   WKH'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH$LU)RUFHRU$HURWHFK1HZVDQG5HYLHZ
                                                                                              $LU)RUFHVW\OHDVUHTXLUHGE\$LU)RUFH,QVWUXFWLRQ6XEPLVVLRQGHDGOLQHLVDW                      (YHU\WKLQJDGYHUWLVHGLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQVKDOOEHPDGHDYDLODEOHIRUSXUFKDVH
                                                                                              WKH7KXQGHUEROWFDQEHPDGHWRWKH3XEOLF$ႇDLUVRႈFH:HVW)DOFRQ6WUHHW                       PDULWDOVWDWXVSK\VLFDOKDQGLFDSSROLWLFDODႈOLDWLRQRUDQ\RWKHUQRQPHULWIDFWRURI
                                                                                              /XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH$UL]RUWKURXJKHPDLOWR):3$7KXQGHUEROW#XVDI                         WKHSXUFKDVHUXVHURUSDWURQ
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