Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-25-16
P. 5
Thunderbolt NEWS March 25, 2016 5
Tribe visits Luke are flying in the airspace above their nation,” Buchanan Verlon Jose, To-
said. “It gives them an understanding of how quickly hono O’odham Na-
by Senior Airman things can occur and how dynamic the thought process tion vice-chairman,
CORY GOSSETT is for pilots while they are in the air.” along with Tohono
O’odham Nation
WK)LJKWHU:LQJ3XEOLF$IIDLUV The Barry M. Goldwater Range airspace in southern VWD௺PHPEHUVSRVH
Arizona extends from near Tucson west along the U.S.- with wing leader-
Tohono O’odham Nation Vice-chairman Verlon Jose and Mexican border to Yuma and overlies the current and ship in February at
other members of the nation met with Luke Air Force historic lands of the Tohono O’odham people. The BMGR WKHÀDJSROHRXW-
Base wing leaders in February in support of an annual has been used by the Air Force since 1941. side the wing head-
government-to-government visit the Air Force conducts quarters building
with Native American tribes that are impacted by military In an effort to foster the government-to-government DW/XNH$LU)RUFH
training operations. relationship with the Tohono O’odham Nation, Luke AFB Base. The nation
has an Installation Tribal Liaison Officer who works YLVLWV/XNHHYHU\
“Located in southern Arizona, the Sells Military Op- directly with them to address military activities and any year as part of a
erations Area is a national treasure of training airspace other concerns of the nation. government-to-gov-
associated with the Barry M. Goldwater Range,” said Chas ernment relation-
Buchanan, 56th Range Management Office director. “It is “Regular visits to Luke are important in helping the ship the Air Force
an essential part of the complex and overlies much of the has with tribes that
2.8 million acre Tohono O’odham Nation west of Tucson. DUHD௺HFWHGE\PLOL-
It’s used by squadrons from Luke, Davis-Monthan AFB in tary training opera-
Tucson, and the Arizona National Guard for pilot training $LUPDQVW&ODVV5LGJH6KDQ tions.
activities that are crucial for national defense.”
leaders of the Tohono O’odham Nation understand the
The visit included mission briefings and a questions
and answers session to address concerns. importance of pilot training to national security,” said
“The flying training mission in the Sells MOA is the Kevin O’Berry, 56th RMO. “Not only are we able to dem-
same as in many other training areas throughout the
U.S. and can impact those on the ground due to sonic onstrate some of our missions and activities that occur in
booms from supersonic flight, low altitude overflights,
and general noise from the aircraft,” Buchanan said. the airspace above their nation, these visits also help keep
“This can occasionally be disruptive to citizens of the
Tohono O’odham Nation who enjoy a quiet and peace- the communication channels open in an effort to mitigate
ful way of life, or “Him-Dag,” in the sparsely populated
Sonoran Desert. The group also visited the F-16 Fight- impacts and address their concerns whenever possible.”
ing Falcon simulator where they were able to receive a
hands-on experience. It’s essential to maintain a working relationship with
“The F-16 simulator gives the Tohono O’odham leaders a the Tohono O’odham Nation for mission success.
better feel for what the pilots are experiencing when they
“The Tohono O’odham Nation plays a significant role in
supporting our pilot training operations,” said Brig. Gen.
Scott Pleus, 56th Fighter Wing commander. “A significant
portion of our airspace is above their traditional lands
where they have lived for thousands of years and it’s im-
portant we understand each other’s needs and concerns.”
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