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March 25, 2016                                                                 NEWS                                                                                                                     Thunderbolt

 PEOPLE                                           against the Islamic State of Iraq and the                        During the application process, aca-                              grams at Air University,” said Yannakogeor-
   FIRST                                          Levant in the Middle East and is heavily                      demics and extracurricular activities are                            gos, who, along with Col. Ronald Banks, Air
                                                  active in Afghanistan. He added that a                        evaluated.                                                           War College vice commandant and Cyber
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is   return of sequestration would impair and                                                                                           College faculty member, coached the Air
compiled from information from the Air Force      delay readiness goals.                                                   University teams.
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup-                                                                       Article/698973/afsva-gets-ready-for-2016-youth-
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness                                                                         
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel       Article/695667/goldfein-addresses-readiness-                                                               camps.aspx          Article/698613/air-university-students-win-big-at-
office and armed forces news services. For the                                                     budget.aspx
complete story, go to the web address listed at                                                                 $LU8QLYHUVLW\VWXGHQWVZLQ                                                       national-cyber-policy-competition.aspx
the end of the story.                             AFSVA gets ready for                                          at cyber policy competition
                                                  2016 youth camps                                                                                                                   (YHQWUHFRJQL]HVLPSRU-
Goldfein addresses                                                                                                 Two teams of Air Command and Staff                                tance of wingmen all year
readiness, budget                                    Teenagers looking to cure those sum-                       College students took top honors at the
                                                  mertime blues will have various camps to                      Atlantic Council Cyber 9/12 Student Chal-                               Senior leaders kicked off the Air Force’s
   Military vice chiefs testified about the       choose from this year, thanks to central                      lenge in Washington, D.C., on March 11                               Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
current state of readiness of U.S. forces         funding from the Air Force Services Activity,                 and 12.                                                              #notjustApril campaign March 17 during
March 15 before the Senate Armed Ser-             also known as AFSVA.                                                                                                               an event at the Pentagon.
vices Subcommittee on Readiness and                                                                                The annual event is an interactive
Management Support on Capitol Hill.                  Teen family members of active-duty                         learning experience and competition that                                The secretary, chief of staff and chief
                                                  military assigned to or working or living on                  puts students in a mock National Security                            master sgt. of the Air Force joined other
   Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. David       an Air Force led/joint installation; retired                  Council environment to analyze how the                               Airmen to read testimonies from sexual
Goldfein shared concerns about the ser-           Airmen; Air Force civilian employees; Air                     U.S. should respond to a realistic, complex                          assault survivors and discussed Airmen’s
vice’s ability to continue to defend against      National Guard; or Air Force Reserve are                      and evolving cyber-enabled malicious                                 roles in supporting sexual assault survivors
adversaries who continue to improve their         eligible.                                                     activity that poses an ambiguous threat                              and preventing this crime.
capabilities.                                                                                                   to national security and economic vital-
                                                     Teen Aviation Camp is offered June                         ity and could potentially destabilize the                               The event promoting the #notjustApril
   The vice chief told the committee that         17-24. Youth entering their sophomore or                      international environment, said Dr. Pano                             campaign came in front of the Defense
America’s adversaries are closing the             junior year of high school in fall 2016 can                   Yannakogeorgos, dean of Air University’s                             Department’s official recognition of Sexual
capability gap in space and cyberspace. Ac-       apply to attend the Teen Aviation Camp                        Air Force Cyber College.                                             Assault Awareness Month in April to high-
cording to Goldfein, the strategic capability     at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado                                                                                          light the importance of Airmen’s engage-
advantage over competitors is shrinking,          Springs, Colorado.                                               “Team Fightin’ Electrons” beat out 39                             ment all year.
and the ability to project strategic deter-                                                                     other teams to win the overall competition.
rence is being challenged.                           This isn’t your ordinary summer camp,                      The team also won the Military Cyberspace                               Using the Air Force core values as the
                                                  said Kevin Hansen, youth specialist for                       Professional Association’s Order of the Thor                         foundation for her comments, Air Force
   He stated that the Air Force continues to      AFSVA. Several camp attendees have                            medal for best military team.                                        Secretary Deborah Lee James said integrity
provide the lion’s share of military effort       gone on to attend the Air Force academy,                                                                                           is imperative in this issue and the Air Force
                                                  other service academies or pursued ROTC                          The “Cyber Jedi” team won the Most Cre-                           needs to look in the mirror and accept the
                                                  in college.                                                   ative Cyber Policy Solution Award.                                   fact that there is a problem.

                                                     “It’s extremely competitive,” Hansen said                     “Both teams performed tremendously,                       
                                                  of the camp. “There are 36 spaces available,                  with awards and recognition for all. The                               Article/698130/event-recognizes-importance-of-
                                                  and on average 150 youth apply.”                              students validated the Cyber College pro-

SOUND                                                        “My family has                                     “We bake Eas-                                                        “I go to church.                  “In Filipino
  OFF!                                                       a huge Easter                                      ter bread that                                                       I’ve been doing                   tradition, we have
                                                             egg hunt where                                     has cinnamon                                                         it since I was                    Easter egg hunts
 Do you have an                                              ZH¿OOHPSW\                                      and baked eggs                                                       little, and now I                 and get together
(DVWHUWUDGLWLRQ"                                            HJJVZLWKÀRXU                                    and send Easter                                                      take my son.”                     with family and
                                                             and smash them                                     packages to                                                                                            friends. As a
      Why is it                                              on each other’s                                    family mem-                                                                                            Catholic, Easter
LPSRUWDQWWR\RX"                                            heads. It’s fun                                    bers.”                                                                                                 Sunday is about
                                                             and brings us                                                                                                                                             Jesus rising from
                                                             together.”                                                                                                                                                the dead.”
                                Senior Airman
                                                                                                                                                      Senior Airman                                     Senior Airman

                                SHYANNE COSTALES                              NICOLE GONZALEZ                                                         KENNETRIS WRIGHT                                  JIMRYAN ORINES
                                56th Medical Operation Squadron               56th Force Support Squadron                                             56th Security Forces Squadron                     56th Logistics Readiness Squadron

Luke Worship Center                                                       FREE BREAKFAST, SHUTTLE & INTERNET                                                                          7KH&KXUFKDW/LWFKILHOG3DUN
Ministry to the Military
                                                                        GLENDALE COMFORT SUITES                                                                                       ˈhGo–œšŒG–Gw™ˆ Œ™G–™Gh““GwŒ–—“ŒˉG

Luke Worship Center is seeking a group of people interested                                  9824 WEST CAMELBACK ROAD                                                                        (DVWHU:RUVKLS6HUYLFHV
in starting up a Pentecostal style church near Luke AFB.                                      GLENDALE, ARIZONA, 85305                                                                             0DUFK
If you are interested and want more information we will be
at the Wigwam Resort, Palo Verde room on Apr. 16th from                                          PHONE: 623.271.9005                                                                 6XQULVH            :RUVK LS
10-2. There will be hourly door prizes. The Wigwam Resort                                          FAX: 623.271.9808                                                                 DP         DQG
                                                                        BY CHOICE HOTELS                                                                               DP
                  Contact Joe Bender 623 734 4693
                       Mary Bender 623 734 2595                                            Just 7 miles from Luke AFB                                                                12OG/LWFKILHOG5GʕʕZZZFKXUFKDWOLWFKILHOGSDUNRUJ
                                                                                          Ask for the “Luke AFB Rate”

Antioch Church of God in Christ                                         Because of you, there is St. Jude.

  9600 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345                                                                                                                                                                       

                         Superintendent Jonathan E. Logan, Pastor
                                Missionary Christine Logan, First Lady

Phone: 623-486-9007        Service Times:          7:30 am              St. Jude patient Andrew with his father Herman, United States Navy Commander  800-822-6344                         TOGETHER, WE WILL
Fax: 623-486-0246          Sunday:                 8:00 am                                                                                                       CREATE A WORLD WITHOUT  Prayer                  9:45 am       Worship Service        11:15 am                                                                                                 A CFC Participant.             TYPE 1 DIABETES (T1D)
                           Sunday School                                                                                                              Provided as a public service.
                           Worship Service         6:30 pm                                                                                                                                             A CFC participant. Provided as a public service.
                           Wednesday:              7:00 pm
                           Bible Study
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