Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-25-16
P. 11

Thunderbolt                                                                                                                                                  March 25, 2016


                                       75 Years of Airpower

                                         Luke Air Force Base is proud to            of static displays from both the past               Fighter Pilots.”The Airmen at Luke
                                       present to the Arizona community             and present, and have the chance to                 are excited for the chance to say
                                       the “75 Years of Airpower” airshow           interact with the Airmen who carry                  ‘Thank you’ to the community for
                                       April 2 and 3.Attendees will experi-         out the Luke mission of “Training                   the incredible support they give our
                                       ence exciting aerial acts, an array          the World’s Greatest F-35 and F-16                  mission each day.

VIP Tickets                                                                         Driving directions

oy the VIP experience at the Luke      venue, private restrooms, food, drinks         During the 2016 Luke Air Force Base Air                   Handicap parking
 rce Base airshow April 2 and 3.       throughout the day and a parking pass        Show, the 56th Security Forces Squadron
 s include exclusive access to the     for the VIP parking area. To purchase        and their law enforcement partners would               State issued handicap license plate or plac-
ent where you can watch aerial         tickets, go to https://tickets.ticketforce.  like to minimize traffic congestion and pro-        ard is required to be allowed through the traffic
nstrations from a comfortable          com/eventperformances.asp?evt=1457.          vide spectators and Luke personnel quick            control points or into handicap parking. ADA
                                                                                    access to the base and parking areas. The           parking on base is limited and there is no guar-
Other security considerations                                                       following information will help attendees           antee of parking once the lots are at capacity.
                                                                                    plan travel to the base and locate one of
 tators coming to the show will pass   • Skateboards, heelies, roller skates or     three parking areas:                                • Handicap visitors from the Surprise/Sun City
 h a security check point prior to        roller blades                                                                                    area: Use southbound Loop 303. Exit at the
ng the base.                                                                         Parking Lot A: Park & Walk                            Northern Parkway and proceed to Litchfield
                                       • Coolers                                      (at Litchfield and Glendale)                         Road. Officers will verify the plate or plac-
 bited items                           • Backpacks/rucksacks                              $10 per car (cash only)                          ard before allowing the driver to turn right
visitors are subject to search by      • Pets                                                                                              (south) on Litchfield Road. Proceed to the
ty forces and will NOT be allowed      • Medical Marijuana                          Park your vehicle and walk to the airfield             North Gate on the right. Turn right (west)
s through security with any of the                                                                                                         into North Gate and follow the North Gate
 ng items:                             Permitted items but use discretion:          • From I-10, proceed northbound on either              instructions below.
pons of any kind including pocket      • Inhalers                                      Dysart Road or Litchfield Road. If using
 es, pocket tools, scissors, box cut-  • Baby bottles                                  Dysart Road, turn left (west) onto Glendale      • Northern Parkway users will NOT be allowed
 billy clubs, large-heavy chain-link   • Medications. Bring prescriptions with         Avenue and proceed to Parking Lot A. If             to turn on Litchfield Road
elry or belts, mace and pepper                                                         using Litchfield Road, continue northbound
 y                                        you and in marked medical containers.        until you are directed to Parking Lot A.         • Handicap visitors from Goodyear/Avon-
arms of any type                          (Avoid bringing medicine in Sunday                                                               dale area: Use northbound Dysart Road to
 that resemble firearms                   through Saturday containers)              • From the 101, exit on Glendale Avenue. Pro-          Northern Parkway and turn left. Proceed
works                                                                                  ceed west toward Litchfield Road until you are      to Litchfield Road. Officers will verify the
 y paint and silly string              Permitted but will be checked:                  directed to Parking Lot A.                          plate or placard before allowing the driver
side food                              • Cameras with bags                                                                                 to turn left (south). Proceed to the North
 s containers of any kind              • Folding chairs (due to limited seating)    There is no Handicapped parking in this lot.           Gate located on the right. Turn right (west)
hol                                    • Diaper bags, or any type of bag contain-                                                          into North Gate and follow the North Gate
 al drugs                                                                            Parking Lot B: Park & Ride                            instructions below.
cles                                      ing medical supplies.                          (at Litchfield and Olive)
                                                                                          $10 per car (cash only)                       • All other handicap visitors: Exit Loop 101
                                       Recommended items include:                                                                          at Northern Avenue. Proceed westbound
                                       • Sunscreen                                  Park your vehicle and ride a chartered bus             on Northern Avenue, which turns into
                                       • Hearing protection                         to the airfield. Please note that there is no          Northern Parkway at Dysart Road. Proceed
                                       • Folding chairs                             access to this lot from Northern Parkway.              to Litchfield Road. Officers will verify the
                                                                                                                                           plate or placard before allowing the driver
   Luke                           Traffic around                                    • From the east: Take Loop 101 to Olive Avenue         to turn left (south). Proceed to the North
ersonnel                               the base                                        exit. Proceed west on Olive to Litchfield Road.     Gate located on the right. Turn right (west)
                                                                                       Turn left (south) on Litchfield Road to access      into North Gate and follow the North Gate
  e personnel will be allowed       Glendale Avenue will be closed just east           the parking lot on the right.                       instructions below.
  to the base prior to 8 a.m.    of Litchfield Road. Litchfield Road will be
  il 2 and 3. After that time,   closed just south of Glendale Avenue and just      • From the West: From Cotton Lane and Olive,        After entering the North Gate
  st side of the base will be    south of Lightning Gate. Litchfield Road will         (no access from Loop 303). Proceed eastbound
  to vehicle traffic except for  be closed from Luke AFB to Peoria Avenue.             on Olive to Litchfield Road. Turn right (south)     Once on base, handicap visitors will follow the
 with an air show pass. The      Litchfield Road will be closed from Camel-            on Litchfield to access the parking lot on the   posted signs to the designated parking areas.
  de of the base will be open    back Road to Luke AFB, with the exception             right.
  mal business.Traffic going     of traffic parking in Lot A. No through traf-                                                             Note: All vehicles entering Luke AFB are sub-
   ast side must use Kachina     fic will be allowed. Northern Avenue will be       • Visitors from the southeast valley: Use           ject to search. Failure to consent to search may
 Drivers should be prepared      completely closed between Reems Road and              westbound I-10 and take the Loop 101 exit.       result in the denial of entry of that vehicle onto
 w military ID to be allowed     Dysart Road. Handicap placard and plate               Proceed northbound following the above in-       the base.
   All road closures will be in  holders can access the base only from the             structions (from the east).
   y 8 a.m.                      north at Litchfield Road and Olive Avenue.                                                                   Handicapped guests
                                                                                    • Visitors from the Northwest (Sun City/Sur-
                                                                                       prise area): Proceed southbound on Litchfield       There is no shuttle service available be-
                                                                                       Road to Olive Avenue. Turn right into Parking    tween the handicapped parking area and the
                                                                                       Lot B south of the intersection.                 handicapped seating area. Those walking
                                                                                                                                        should expect a long walk. The path is wheel-
                                                                                                                                        chair accessible.
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