Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-25-16
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March 25, 2016                                                                                        NEWS                                                                                              Thunderbolt

Study for TRICARE users                                                                        STREET                                                                individual refused transport to a local hospital and
                                                                                                BEAT                                                                 was released.
helps smokers kick habit
                                                                                     The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled the                                      March 15: Security forces responded to a report
   Have you tried everything to quit smoking? TRICARE                             following incidents March 14 through 20 at Luke                                    an unattended child near the commissary. Security
Beneficiaries now have a new resource to help them called                         Air Force Base:                                                                    forces made contact with the child and contacted the
the The Freedom Smoking Quitline. If qualified, participants                                                                                                         parent, reuniting them without incident.
will have a two-times better chance at quitting smoking.                          7LFNHWV
                                                                                                                                                                        March 15: Security forces responded to a report
   The Freedom Smoking Quitline is a National Institutes of                          Security forces issued citations for 22 moving and                              of a domestic disturbance in progress. A security
Health-funded research study, co-sponsored by the 59th Medi-                      five nonmoving violations.                                                         forces member separated two individuals and took
cal Wing and University of Tennessee Health Science Center.                                                                                                          background information. Glendale police took con-
                                                                                  7UD௻FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV                                                            trol of the incident.
   The study is enrolling TRICARE beneficiaries that are mo-
tivated to quit smoking. If qualified, participants will receive                     March 15: Security forces responded to a report                                    March 18: Security forces responded to a report
four proactive, telephone-based smoking cessation counseling                      of a minor vehicle collision in at South Gate. There                               of a medical emergency in the commissary. Security
sessions along with eight weeks of free nicotine replacement                      were no injuries.                                                                  forces arrived on scene and identified an individual
therapy sent directly to their homes. After three months,                                                                                                            experiencing a possible stroke. The individual re-
participants will receive a follow-up call to ensure they are                        March 18: Security forces responded to a report of                              fused transport to a local hospital and was released.
still smoke free. However, if they experienced a relapse and                      a minor vehicle collision near the Exchange. There
started up again, participants are offered a second chance                        were no injuries.                                                                     March 18: Security forces responded to a report
to try again. Read the full article at                                                                                                       of a medical emergency in the 56th Medical Group
HealthWellness/HLArticles/Archives/03_21_16_Quitline.aspx.                           March 19: Security forces responded to a report of                              building. Security forces arrived on scene and iden-
                                                                                  a major vehicle collision near the Exchange. There                                 tified an individual experiencing difficulty with
                                                                                  were no injuries.                                                                  breathing. The individual was transported to a
                                                                                                                                                                     nearby hospital for treatment.
                                                                                                                                                                     Alarm activations
                                                                                     March 15: Security forces responded to a report
                                                                                  of a medical emergency. Security forces arrived on                                    Security forces responded to eight alarm activa-
                                                                                  scene and determined an individual was experienc-                                  tions on base.
                                                                                  ing nausea. The individual was transported to a
                                                                                  nearby hospital for treatment.                                                     7LSRIWKHZHHN

                                                                                     March 15: Security forces responded to a report                                    Companies should never ask for account information,
                                                                                  of a medical emergency in Bldg. 1150. Security                                     credit card numbers or password in an email, including
                                                                                  forces arrived on scene and identified an individual                               those you already do business with. If you have ques-
                                                                                  appearing to be dazed and having chest pains. The                                  tions about an email you’ve received that claims to be
                                                                                                                                                                     from your financial institution or service provider, find
                                                                                                                                                                     their number on their website and call them.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        56th SFS

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