Page 1 - March ARB Beacon 4-1-16
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Vol. 81, No. 13 March Air Reserve Base, California Friday, April 1, 2016
NEWS BRIEFS March Airmen, civilian employees
can help recruiting, earn rewards
LOT SALE MAY 5-8 U.S. Air Force illustration by Master Sgt. Shawn J. Jones
Your March ARB com-
They will have savings of up
to 60% on cases of your fa- by Sean Dath meet basic AFRC qualification require- on Apple App Store and Google Play. Once
vorite products. Come out and 452 AMW public affairs ments for service. you have a candidate you wish to submit, log
take advantage of your benefit into the system, enter the required data and
and save big with great prices Air Force Reservists and Air Force Re- “Members must meet the height and wait to be contacted.
on paper products, detergents, serve civilian employees have an opportunity weight standards, must not have any type
cereal, pet food and cases of to earn rewards and help shape the future of of morals violations such as having a felony “Once the lead is put into the Share Your
can goods. They will also be the Reserve here at March ARB by partici- or any criminal activity and make sure tat- Adventure system by the reservist or civilian,
offering great savings again pating in the Get 1 Now - Share Your Adven- toos are within the instruction, Banks said. that info will automatically be sent over to an
this case lot on Johnsonville ture program. “Those are the more common disqualifiers Air Force Reserve E-Advisor and they will be
sausage while supplies last. that we see.” contacted via phone or email to get the process
Don’t forget to check out the The Get 1 Now program, which initially started,” said Banks. “So the referral literally
great prices offered in their began in 2006, was recently revamped in an In addition to the rewards, participants has to do nothing but wait to be contacted.”
meat and produce depart- effort to get the word out and to better reward actually have a chance to hand pick their
ments. There will be refresh- those Airmen and civilians who participate. coworkers on March, something Banks be- There is no limit to the number of referrals
ments provided courtesy of One of the biggest changes made to the pro- lieves is beneficial not only to the individual that can be submitted, but they must be sub-
their commissary vendors. The gram was the point at which credit for the but also to operations here at March. mitted through the Get 1 Now–Share Your
commissary is located east of referral is awarded. Participant’s whose refer- Adventure website or App to qualify for an
March ARB at the crossing of ral is considered eligible for service will be “It is important for March ARB Reserv- award. Those who participate can earn up to
6th Street and Meyer Drive. eligible for a reward. ists and civilians to actively recruit quality four awards per AFRC fiscal year, which runs
Your March Commissary, It’s people to join the ranks because it gives them from Oct. 1 through Sept 30.
Worth the Trip! “You used to have to wait for the referral to a chance to pick and choose who they really
actually join the Reserve before you could get want to work beside them,” Banks said. “The “All awards must be redeemed no later
VOLUNTEER VICTIM the reward,” said Technical Sgt. Anton Banks, Reservist and civilians here at March ARB than 60 days following the end of the fiscal
ADVOCATES NEEDED 452AMW/WRS Reserve Recruiter. “But now know what type of individual it takes to ac- year and you are only eligible for the award
the referral just has to be deemed qualified to complish the mission.” if you submit the referral through the Get 1
The SAPR Program March join in order to be eligible for the award.” Now website or app,” said Banks.
ARB is looking for a select Participation in the program is easy, sim-
group of individuals to act as To be qualified to join a referral must ply sign up online at, or For more information about the program
volunteer victim advocates through the Get 1 Now app which is available visit
with the Sexual Assault Pre-
vention and Response Pro-
gram, March ARB. Basic re-
quirements include: Formal
application, approval from the
volunteers’ commander and
40 hours of Victim Advocate
training from an Air Force ap-
proved course. Applicants will
then be required to apply for
certification with the National
Organization of Victim Advo-
cates (NOVA). There will be
a 40-hour course offered at
March ARB on May 2. Appli-
cants to the program must have
clean background check, pos-
sess excellent communication
skills, be of outstanding char-
acter and judgment and will-
See BRIEFS page 3