Page 5 - March ARB Beacon 4-1-16
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wwTwfha.caeeebrBootoeekca.hcncoemow/nsT.ecaommM/maarrcchharb                                                                   April 1, 2016                                      5

From BRIEFS page 5

SEP. 3 - SKYDIVING                                             RECON/DE - $40 $199

SEP. 3 - ZIPLINE/SEGWAY TOUR                                   RECON/DE - $40 $200

SEP. 17 - DEEP SEA FISHING                                     RECON/DE - $25 $102
SEP. 24 - TANDEM HANG GLIDING                                  RECON/DE - $50 $199

           OUTDOOR REC                          atres and Edwards Cinemas.
      EQUIPMENT RENTALS                            Hotel Discounts
   Outdoor Recreation has a variety of             Receive 10% off any Best Western and
equipment for rent such as camping gear,
water sports equipment, bicycles, and trail-    15% off any Choice Hotel
ers to carry it all! Special orders for Calla-     Visit the Tickets & Tours page at
way, Odyssey, Cleveland, Never Compro-
mise, Nike, Bag Boy, Sun Mountain and  and download the Dis-
Staff golf equipment are also available.        count Ticket Price List for a full list of dis-
Download the full equipment rental price        counts tickets prices, hotel discounts and
list at, call 951-655-2816         special promotions. Call Tickets & Tours
or come on by for more information.             at 951-655-4123 for more information.

  MARCH TICKETS & TOURS                                         FY16 UTA
   Amusement Park Specials                        RESCHEDULE GUIDELINES
   Castle Park: $16 per person includes            Brig. Gen. Muncy has determined that
unlimited rides, water park access, minia-      the following FY 16 Unit Training Assem-
ture golf and the new Sky Rider.                blies may only be rescheduled if the re-
   Disney 3-Day Park Hopper military            schedule date is for the alternate UTA dur-
special: $140 per person (adult/child)          ing the same month of the A and B UTAs
   Discount Movie Tickets                       for the months of May and August 2016.
   Available for only $10 each and valid        The wing commander will authorize re-
for Regal Cinemas, United Artists The-          schedules outside of the same month, if
                                                absolutely necessary, on a case-by-case
                                                basis. (NOTE: Run through Sept 2016.)

                                                                                                Featuring the finest in                             THE
                                                                                   Southern Barbeque and Gourmet Sausages
                                                                                   We Cater                                                                               Serving Mexican Food & Seafood
      TOGETHER, WE WILL                                                            Buy any Sandwich and a side, get a Coke for a $1
                                                                                   3XOOHG3RUN‡%HHI%ULVNHW‡7UL7LS                     Now     0QFO                         10%
    TYPE 1 DIABETES (T1D)                                                          %DE\EDFN5LEV‡&KLFNHQDQGPRUH                        Serving  .POo'SJBNoQN
                                                                                                                                                    4BU BNoQN       Military Discount
             A CFC participant. Provided as a public service.                      Mon - Thur 10 am – 9 pm, Fri 10 am – 10 pm, Breakfast            4VO BNoQN
                                                                                                                                                                            Must present Military ID
                                                                                      Sat 7:30 am - 10 pm, Sun 7:30 am - 9 pm


                                                                                   12625 Frederick St., Unit E-9 Moreno Valley, CA 92553            &MTXPSUI4U
                                                                                   N. Frederick W. onto Towngate. Right in at Chase Bank.

   Mission-Critical Intelligence and Training                                      Arm your team with the technology and
                                                                                   training to capture, manage, distribute and
APRIL 16 – 21, 2016 • LAS VEGAS, NV USA                                            deliver video and data for your operations.

                                                                                   MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES FOR MILITARY & GOVERNMENT

                                                                                   Professionals from the government and commercial sectors converge to discuss
                                                                                   needs and solutions based on cutting-edge broadcast technologies.

                                                                                   Content Highlights
                                                                                   • NASA Animations and Visualizations
                                                                                   • Training Tools for Law Enforcement
                                                                                   • Why the Future SOC Must Understand Its Adversaries
                                                                                   • DOTS Archival Storage for Mission Critical Assets
                                                                                   • Broadcasting Data Over TV: First Responders and the Public

                                                                                   FREE for direct employees of U.S. Military and Government Agencies.
                                                                                   Valid agency ID required to qualify for this rate.

                                                                                   Register and learn more at

                                                                                   Free Exhibits Pass Code PA182
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