Page 4 - March ARB Beacon 4-1-16
P. 4

4 April 1, 2016                                                                                                  
From BRIEFS page 3                       service members with expertise in fit-
                                         ness training                                 Zumba/Zumbathon – well-known tional beats (Zumbathon is a two-hour
   FIP (Fitness Improvement classes)                                                dancing class featuring exotic rhythms Zumba class in which participants can
available through our Wellbeats Kiosk.      Functional Fitness – A type of          set to high-energy Latin and interna- win prizes.)
                                         high-intensity interval training com-
   Additional opportunities for fitness:  bining cardio and weight training into                   OUTDOOR REC UPCOMING 2016 TRIPS
   Tuesday, 11 a.m. and Thursday,        one short but intense class with mobil-
12:15 p.m. – Battle ropes training       ity drills, mountain climbers, lunges,         The outdoor recreation division has scheduled trips for target audiences of Single
   Monday, 10:30 a.m. and Wednes-        push-up, kettlebells, goblet squats duck    Airmen (SAP), Pre/Post-Deployers (RecOn) and Deployed-affected family members
day, 11:30 a.m. – TRX                    walk, run.                                  (DP). There is special pricing for these members (SAP/RECON/DP column). All oth-
   A & B UTA Saturdays, 7 a.m. –                                                     ers (military/DOD ID card holders and their guests) are invited on a space-available
Wellbeats Fit for Duty                      Fusion – an integration of yoga          basis at the higher, per-person price listed in the EOE column. Reservations are on a
   A & B UTA Sundays, 7 a.m. –           and Pilates exercises with attention to     first-come, first-served basis, and can be made by contacting ODR at 951-655-2816.
Wellbeats REV                            breath, form, flow and body balance.
   A UTA Saturdays, 5 p.m. – Virtual                                                DATE - TRIP                                 SAP/RECON/DP EOE
Strength “Fit for Duty”                     Kinetics – a total body, multi-activ-
   B UTA, 5 – 7 p.m. – Pick-up bas-      ity class that includes sports-style car-  APR. 9 - HOLLYWOOD HILLS HORSEBACK RIDING   SAP - $15  $75
ketball                                  dio intervals with resistance training
   Coming in 2016: Inter-Services        circuits and muscle isolation work         APR. 21-23 - BLACK CANYON CANOE TRIP SAP - $35         $112
Golf Tournament, Team Cohesion
Challenge, Armed Forces 5K Run.             REV – an indoor cycling class that      MAY 13-15 - WHITEWATER RAFTING              DE - $30   $130
   Call the Fitness & Sports center at   combines sprints, climbs, intervals,       MAY 28 - DEEP SEA FISHING                   SAP- $25   $102
951-655-2292 to sign up or for more      drills, terrain, and technique training    JUN. 10-12 - SPELUNKING                     SAP - $40  $110
information on these programs.
   Class descriptions:                      Stomp – a total body, cardio-driven     JUN. 18 - SKYDIVING                         SAP - $40  $199
   Circuit Training – a high intensity   step class as it was originally meant to   JUL. 16 - COUPLES BALLOONING
                                         be taught                                  JUL. 30 - LA JOLLA KAYAKING

                                            TKO – a blend of martial arts dis-
                                         ciplines that includes a combination of

interval training class that integrated punches, kicks, and strikes                                                             RECON/DE - $30 $148

cardio and muscular endurance exer- TRX – introductory class that teach-

cises                                    es basic exercises to strengthen core                                                  RECON/DE - $15 $70

Core – various classes from our and transition into more advanced tech-             AUG. 13 - CATALINA ADVENTURE                RECON/DE - $40 $150

WellBeats system that focus entirely niques on the TRX suspension system

on working out your core                 V.I.B.E. – multi-dimensional dance         AUG. 27 - BRIDGE TO NOWHERE BUNGEE JUMPING  SAP - $20  $85

Fit for Duty – a high-energy, ex- exercises ranging from Latin to urban,

treme, conditioning workout led by hip-hop and more                                                                             See BRIEFS page 5

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