Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, September 2021
P. 10
10 September 2021 News
CereMonieS (from Page 2) to make their mistakes now that I have
my chance to fill those shoes. I just want
get into a zone where I lock in and don’t to be able to honor that service member
focus on anything other than the mission and their family with every aspect of my
at hand — paying my respects.” performance.”
Honor guard members at Luke often Often, the only interaction community
perform in harsh conditions, wearing members may have with the Air Force
wool suits in over 110-degree weather. is with a base honor guard. According
In addition, they encounter distraught to the Honor Guard Manual, the image
families and difficult emotional situ- portrayed by honor guard members must
ations. “N” stands for “Never will I al- be one that instills confidence and pride
low my performance to be dictated by in our service and country.
the type of ceremony, severity of the “R” stands for “Representing every
temperature or size of the crowd. I will member, past and present, of the United
remain superbly conditioned to perfect States Air Force. I vow to stand sharp,
all movements throughout every drill crisp and motionless, for I am a ceremonial
and ceremony.” guardsman.”
“To maintain my bearing, I try to put “We represent the Air Force’s gratitude
myself in a mental state of whoever I’m toward families for the time that they put
performing for,” said Staff Sgt. Zachary into supporting their loved one through-
Sheene, 56th FW Honor Guard training out their military service,” said Tech. Sgt.
lead. “If I’m there for a family at a funeral, Matthew Ramirez, 56th FW Honor Guard
I internalize that emotion that they’re flight chief. “It is also a chance for us to
feeling through my past experiences — give the service member a final send-off in
like funerals that I’ve been to for my the most respectful and dignified way that
loved ones. I do my best to see through we know how to in the military.”
their eyes and use that as motivation to The ceremonial guardsman is an indi-
do the best that I possibly can.” vidual of good reputation, responsible for
The fourth letter is “O,” which stands protecting and overseeing the mainte-
for “Obligated by my oath, I am con- nance of high standards on and off duty.
stantly driven to excel by a deep devotion Honor guard personnel are expected to
to duty and a strong sense of dedication.” exceed the Air Force standards and pres- Senior Airman Caleb F. Butler
“When my grandpa passed away, they ent a flawless image to the public. Senior Airman Blake Davidson, 56th Fighter Wing ceremonial guardsman, holds the
had the honor guard at the funeral, and “We don’t perform for the crowd per se,” American flag during a flag-folding ceremony July 28, at Luke Air Force Base. The
it (seemed) really cool at the time,” said said Sheene. “We celebrate with ceremony. Luke AFB Honor Guard is responsible for many of Arizona’s ceremonies — providing
Evans. “However, during my time here, I It’s a mission of gratitude. That is what’s coverage to six different counties. The base honor guard’s primary mission is to pro-
came to realize there were a lot of mis- important — giving thanks to those who vide military funeral honors for active-duty members as well as retirees and veterans
takes made during his ceremony. I refuse served before us.” who served honorably in the U.S. Air Force and Army Air Corps.