Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, September 2021
P. 8

8      Thunderbolt                                                                                                                    Photo Feature                                                                                                                                           September 2021  9

                                                                                                                                                                    Security  Forces

                                                                                                                                                                    Airmen train on


        Senior Airman Daisy Valencia, 56th Security Forces Squadron
        defender, fires an M4A1 rifle during a weapons qualification                                                                                               weapons
        course at the Combat Arms Training and Maintenance facility
        Aug. 3, at Luke Air Force Base. CATM instructors led a class for
        56th SFS members to familiarize themselves with one of the Air
        Force’s new weapons systems — the M4A1. Previously, 56th
        SFS members used a semi-automatic M4 and are currently tran-
        sitioning to the use of an automatic M4. Luke AFB is one of the                                                                                              systems
        first Air Education and Training Command bases to implement
        the use of the Air Force’s new weapons systems for SFS mem-
        bers — leading the way toward the future for SFS.

                                              Senior Airman Ra-
                                              mon Rosa Aponte,                                                                                                     Photos by Senior Airman Leala Marquez, 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
                                              56th Security
                                              Forces Squadron
                                              defender, hangs
                                              targets during a
                                              weapons qualifica-
                                              tion course Aug. 3,
                                              at Luke Air Force
                                              Base. Combat Arms
                                              Training and Main-
                                              tenance instructors
                                              led a class for 56th
                                              SFS members to fa-
                                              miliarize themselves    Airman 1st Class Adam Sutherby, 56th Security Forces Squadron Combat Arms Training and Mainte-
                                              with two of the Air     nance instructor, evaluates targets during a weapons qualification course Aug. 3, at Luke Air Force Base.
                                              Force’s newest                                                                                                                                                                          Senior Airman Noah Huff, 56th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler,
                                              weapons systems:                                                                                                                                                                        fires a weapon next to MWD Enzo, during a weapons qualification course Aug. 3, at Luke
                                              the M4A1 rifle and                                                                                                                                                                      Air Force Base. Enzo attended the course to expose him to the sound of weapon fire —
                                              the M18 carbine.                                                                                                                                                                        training him to keep his composure during high-stress situations.

        Staff Sgt. Elizabeth Pedroza, 56th Security Forces Squadron
        military working dog handler, fires an M18 carbine during a
        weapons qualification course at the Combat Arms Training and                                                                                                Senior Airman Noah Huff, adjusts his gas mask during a weapons
        Maintenance facility Aug. 3, at Luke Air Force Base. CATM in-  Senior Airman Noah Huff, fires an M4A1 rifle while using night-vision goggles during a weapons quali-  qualification course Aug. 3, at Luke Air Force Base. Firing while wear-
        structors led a class for 56th SFS members to familiarize them-  fication course Aug. 3, at Luke Air Force Base. Firing in low-light conditions is one of the requirements   ing a gas mask is one of the requirements for weapons qualification to
        selves with one of the Air Force’s new weapons systems, the   for weapons qualification to ensure SFS members are capable of weapon proficiency in austere envi-  ensure Air Force personnel are capable of weapon proficiency regard-  Staff Sgt. Christian Watters, 56th Security Forces Squadron patrolman, fires an M4A1
        M18. Previously, 56th SFS members used the M9 and are cur-    ronments.                                                                                     less the environment.                                             rifle during a weapons qualification course at the Combat Arms Training and Mainte-
        rently transitioning to the use of the M18.                                                                                                                                                                                   nance facility Aug. 3, at Luke Air Force Base.
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