Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, May 2021
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“We train the world’s greatest fighter pilots and combat ready Airmen”                                                                   May 2021
                                                                                                                                                  Vol. 20, No. 5

               INSIDE                          First Danish F-35s land at Luke AFB

                                                  by Airman 1st Class
                                                   DominiC TYLeR
                                                     56th Fighter Squadron
             Rep. Debbie Lesko visits 944th FW   Royal Danish air force pilots
              Airmen, 2                        delivered the first two RDAF
             Future Airmen reporting for duty, 3  F-35A Lightning II fighter jets
             Chaplain’s thoughts, 4           to Luke Air Force Base April 13
             FSS Airman receives Graydon Wil-  in preparation for pilot training.
              liams award, 5                     The aircraft, assigned to the
             America’s ‘Airpower Reservoir’   308th Fighter Squadron, will
                                               eventually be joined by five
              celebrates 75 years, 6           other Danish F-35s for use in
             Women of Weapons Exhibition Load   the F-35 training program.
              highlights female maintainers, 8/9  According to the U.S. State
             Becoming brand ambassadors, 10   Department, as stalwart NATO                                                      Photos by Airman 1st Class Dominic Tyler
             F-15EX Eagle II unveiled as newest   allies, the United States and   A Royal Danish air force F-35A Lightning II assigned to the 308th Fighter Squadron lands, April
              fighter, 12                      Denmark cooperate extensively   13, at Luke Air Force Base. The first two of seven RDAF F-35s arrived at Luke AFB, as Danish
                                               to promote peace and stability   pilots prepare to begin the F-35 training program.
                                                 “Today is a historical day for
                                               the partnership of the U.S. and   the importance of building   lands, Norway and Singapore.  we rely on each other to get the
                                               Denmark,” said Lt. Col. Matt   relationships between allied   “It’s truly remarkable to come   mission done.”
                                               “HAIL” Cisar, 308th FS com-  countries.                 into a fighter squadron in which   The F-35 training program
                                               mander. “We’ve been preparing   “We have to be able to operate   a U.S. pilot might fly a Danish   is designed to integrate pilots,
                                               for the first Danish jets for   together with different nations   jet alongside a Dutch pilot fly-  foreign and domestic, into a
              Continue to get Luke’s latest    years. Now that they’re here,   in the fifth generation air force,”   ing  a U.S. jet,”  said Cisar. “It   common set of tactics and ad-
               news and information from       we’re excited to train our first   said KIN. “When we have to go   shows all the work that’s gone   vanced technologies enabling
               these sources: https://www.     Danish fighter pilots.”     in to fight war together, we find   into the F-35 program, the   them to execute the mission as
              Pilots from all around the   comfort knowing we’ve gone   partnerships and how much   one unit.
              world participate in the F-35   through training from the same
                   and social media            training program. Royal Dan-  place.”
                                               ish air force Lt. Col. Nick “KIN”   Luke is currently training
                                               Hansen, 308th FS senior na-  fighter pilots from many coun-
                  Luke56thFW      @LukeAFB
                                               tional representative, mentions   tries such as Italy, Nether-
                Date of publication
                  First Friday
                    of the month

               Submission deadline
            15th day of the month
           prior to date of publication

                   Tell us Your Story                                                                  Two Royal Danish air force F-35A Lightning II fighter jets as-
             Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees                                                            signed to the 308th Fighter Squadron soar, April 13, over Luke
           All military branches are included  The Danish flag is represented on the tail of a Royal Danish air   Air Force Base. These are the first two of seven RDAF F-35s to
            Email name, phone number and a     force F-35A Lightning II as the aircraft, assigned to the 308th   arrive at Luke AFB, as Danish pilots prepare to begin the F-35
           brief description of your service to  Fighter Squadron, taxis on a runway April 13 at Luke Air Force   training program. Luke AFB trains fighter pilots from around
                 Base. Luke is training fighter pilots from Denmark as well as oth-  the world, building stronger partnerships with trusted allies to
                                               er countries such as Italy, Netherlands, Norway and Singapore.   fight as one coalition.

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