Page 28 - LRCC October 2024 Focus update
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AWARDS by INSIDE Public Accounting as
one of the Best of the Best CPA
Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC’s Firms for 2024, marking the second
Lansing office had 22 attorneys consecutive year the firm has
selected by their peers for inclusion earned this prestigious distinction
in The Best Lawyers in America in the “over $10 million” category.
2025 list. Firmwide, 41 attorneys Maner Costerisan has also been
were included in the list. The ranked among the top 500 public
local Foster Swift attorneys on accounting firms in the United
the Best Lawyers list were: James States by IPA, at the #127 spot for
F. Anderton, Charles E. Barbieri, 2024 versus its 2023 ranking of #140.
Scott A. Chernich, Anna K. Gibson, IPA’s Best of the Best recognition
Brian G. Goodenough, Matt is based on metrics including
G. Hrebec, Charles A. Janssen, net revenue growth, governance
Michael R. Kluck, Mark T. Koerner, policies, long-range planning
Scott L. Mandel, Paula K. Manis, efforts, professional development,
Thomas R. Meagher, Douglas A. McLaren Greater Lansing nurse outsourcing, compensation, and
Mielock, James R. Neal, Michael Charles (Chad) Heberer was process improvement.
G. Oliva, Michael H. Rhodes, Kevin honored with the DAISY Award for
J. Roragen, David R. Russell, Extraordinary Nurses. The award
Michael D. Sanders, Deanna is part of the DAISY Foundation’s
Swisher, Jeffrey S. Theuer, and program to recognize the
Brent A. Titus. Meanwhile, several exceptional care nurses provide
of those local Foster Swift attorneys every day. The nomination,
— Goodenough, Mandel, Mielock, submitted by a patient, read as
and Neal — also received Lawyer follows: “This is my first time at this
of the Year honors. The Lawyer of McLaren. This is also my second
the Year award goes to attorneys time getting COVID-19. Chad is an
with the highest overall peer awesome nurse. He took excellent Meyer Zeineh
feedback for a specific practice care of me. He answered every
area and geographical location. question I had. Chad did all he could Vital Care of Lansing infusion
Foster Swift’s Jaquelyn Dupler was do to make me feel better.” therapy services congratulates
named a Best Lawyers 2025 One its pharmacist in charge, Theresa
to Watch in family law. That award Public accounting and business Meyer, for receiving her certification
is for excellent U.S. private practice consulting firm Maner Costerisan as an Immunoglobulin-Certified
attorneys early in their careers. announced it has been recognized Pharmacist, and director of
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