Page 30 - LRCC October 2024 Focus update
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                     FOCUS MAGAZINE | OCTOBER 2024

        of the esophagus. Though the most    Fraser Trebilcock Davis Dunlap &      NEW HIRES
        common procedure in the condition’s   Cavanaugh P.C. has announced a
        treatment, the capability to perform   strategic alliance with Cheltenham                   Custom Built
        it robotically allows for enhanced   Law PLLC. As both firms have a                         is excited to
        precision and a less invasive approach   strong presence in the Greater                     welcome Josh
        for the complex procedure, resulting   Lansing and Detroit regions, this                    Spedoske to its
        in less risk for complications, a    collaboration brings together two                      team as a Design
        quicker recovery, and patients can   prominent law firms seeking to                         & Production
        begin subsequent cancer therapies    strengthen their opportunities in                      Intern. A current
        sooner if needed.                    Michigan. Cheltenham Law offers                        MSU student,
                                             clients legal representation and                       Spedoske will
        Environmental consulting firm        guidance in matters such as divorce,   Spedoske        assist the design
        Triterra has been included on the Inc.   custody, criminal defense, and                     team with as-
        5000 list for the fourth consecutive   estate planning. The arrangement    builts, material check-in and storage,
        year. The national recognition       allows Fraser Trebilcock to use its   and provide backup labor on job sites.
        highlights Triterra as one of the    knowledge and expertise in the
        fastest-growing private companies    areas of family law, criminal defense,                 Custom Built
        in the United States, ranking 31st   and estate planning to enhance its                     is pleased to
        in Michigan, 10th in environmental   presence in the Greater Lansing and                    introduce
        services, and second in the mid-     Detroit regions.                                       Thomas
        Michigan region. The Inc. 5000                                                              Simms as a
        focuses on successful independent    Mahabir Wellness is adding solution-                   new carpenter
        small businesses. Companies on the   focused therapy to its counseling                      on its team.
        2024 list are ranked according to    services, for mental health issues                     With a strong
        the percentage of revenue growth     such as depression, anxiety, and                       background
        over the last three years. To qualify,   interpersonal relationships. The health   Simms    in carpentry,
        companies must be privately held,    practice is also offering new skincare                 Simms is ready
        for profit, and not a subsidiary or a   products, including proprietary    to contribute his skills to help deliver
        division of another company.         autumn-inspired firming facials.      top-quality results on every project. l

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