Page 29 - LRCC October 2024 Focus update
P. 29                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        operations Wisam Robert Zeineh                                             as archaeologist, pilot, doctor,
        for receiving his certification as an                                      and engineer. “Barbie You Can
        Immunoglobulin-Certified Nurse.                                            Be Anything” is supported by the
                                                                                   Dart Foundation, MSU Health Care,
        COMPANY NEWS                                                               MSUFCU Desk Drawer Foundation,
                                                                                   Choose Lansing, and the Capital
        Origami Rehabilitation announced                                           Area Transportation Authority. The
        it will open its third location, Origami                                   Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
        Greenlawn, in early 2025. Origami                                          produced the exhibit in partnership
        Greenlawn will be on McLaren                                               with Mattel. Impression 5 Science
        Hospital’s legacy campus at the                                            Center is open to the public Tuesday
        Child and Family Charities Nonprofit                                       through Sunday. Admission is $12
        Hub, a four-story professional                                             for adults and children over two
        building at 405 Greenlawn in                                               years old, and $10.50 for seniors,
        Lansing. The expansion aims to                                             military members, and their
        address the growing demand for                                             immediate family. Admission is free
        specialized rehabilitative services                                        for all Science Center members and
        for children and adults eligible for                                       children under 2.
        Medicaid and other funding sources   The traveling exhibit “Barbie You
        across the tri-county area. The clinic   Can Be Anything” is on view at    McLaren Greater Lansing, part of
        will offer a comprehensive range     Impression 5 Science Center in        statewide McLaren Health Care,
        of services, including occupational,   Lansing through January 19, 2025.    has become the first Mid-Michigan
        physical, speech, and mental health   The interactive exhibit invites      hospital to perform robotically an Ivor
        therapy for children and adults with   visitors to explore 15 different    Lewis esophagectomy, a specialized
        neurological, developmental, mental   STEM professions through the         procedure in the treatment of cancer
        health, and orthopedic conditions.   lens of Barbie’s iconic dolls, such   and potentially cancerous tumors

                                                CORPORATE, ASSOCIATION & COMMUNITY EVENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY
                                                       SAME NAME.
                                                     SAME SERVICES.
                                                   NEW LOCATION.

                                                  114 West Allegan Street Lansing, Michigan 48933
                                                         (Downtown Lansing)
            On-Demand Leadership                                                      CHECK OUT
            Training for On-The-Go                                                  THE LANSING

                              COACHES                                                JOB BOARD!
               Starting   Susan Combs, MBA, PCC
            October 1     Ross Woodstock, Leadership                                    It's a one-stop shop for
                                                                                         job opportunities in
                                                                                        the Lansing region and
                                                                                        allows LRCC members
                                                                                        with the ability to post
                                                                                          their job openings.

                     Register Now                                                           Learn more at

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