Page 15 - LRCC FOCUS March 2020
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A LEGACY OF COMMUNITY SERVICE general manager. “Under her leadership, hundreds of thousands
of dollars have been raised by the University Club of MSU. The
Community service has been part of Karen’s DNA from a young University Club’s Big Bang-quet Annual Charitable Fundraiser has
age. Born into a small mountain community in upstate New York, been a source of much-needed revenue for dozens of local charities
where residents relied on each other for everything from volunteer whose own efforts have been supplemented by Karen’s energy,
firefighters to neighbor assistance, both Karen’s parents worked enthusiasm, and technical skills as a marketer and fundraiser.”
tirelessly throughout their lives to help others.
Over the years, Karen joined Women Working Wonders in 2009. Within months,
Karen has held leadership positions in a wide array of civic and Karen has she had invented a new fundraiser that has earned almost $4
service organizations. In most cases, her tenure is long and deep. experienced a million for the Sparrow Foundation in just 10 years. The Dapper
In every case, she makes a significant impact on the effectiveness Dads Challenge has involved nearly 300 prominent area men and
of the organization and the achievement of its goals. Karen says seismic change been supported by numerous organizations, including sponsorship
she feels a great sense of gratitude for all she has in life, especially in the acceptance by the U-Club and Kositchek’s. Considered by many to be the
her family, a challenging career and her health. of women in most fun and most successful event in town, Dapper Dads has
“I want to share that with other people and feel it is my responsibility leadership roles, been directly responsible for funding many valuable community
health assets.
to do so,” said Grannemann. “I also have a drive to right the but has never
wrongs in the world and contribute whatever my strengths allow.” let walls, glass “It has been such a thrill to work with a passionate and creative
group of women to launch something from a seed and watch it
Karen has held leadership roles in a wide array of civic and ceilings, or grow beyond anyone’s imagination,” said Grannemann. “That
service organizations, including Zonta Club of East Lansing attitudes prevent money has made so many incredible things possible, including
Area, Okemos School District, Ronald McDonald House of her from being a a dedicated room for the compassionate treatment of sexual
Mid-Michigan, Literacy Volunteers of America, Junior League of assault victims, birthing simulators, breast biopsy equipment and
Lansing, 100 Women Who Care, Wharton Center for Performing vital component a $1 million contribution to the Herbert-Herman Cancer Center,
Arts, Greater Lansing Food Bank, Lansing Promise Foundation, of a leadership among many others.”
Habitat for Humanity Women Build, ATHENA WIN and the team.
Sparrow Foundation. She has made a significant impact on the A COMMITMENT TO HELPING OTHERS
effectiveness of each organization and the achievement of its goals.
Over the years, Karen has experienced a seismic change in the
“Karen Grannemann is a gifted marketer who, at every opportunity, acceptance of women in leadership roles, but has never let walls,
has directed her skills to charitable fundraising,” said Richard Bruner, glass ceilings, or attitudes prevent her from being a vital component
professor of practice, MSU School of Hospitality, and former U-Club of a leadership team.
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