Page 10 - LRCC FOCUS March 2020
P. 10


        Strongest Together


        REMEMBER,  the community chamber of
        commerce has been an integral part of her life.

        From attending ribbon cuttings and member
        mixers with her mom, Lisa and grandmother,
        Betty to watching them represent the chamber
        as  ambassadors and  diplomats, and  today,
        directing the marketing and communications
        team within the Lansing Regional Chamber of
        Commerce; she owes her leadership position to
        her inspiring role models.

        “I have a strong line of hard-working women in
        my life,” said Sandborn. “They set the bar high
        and I’ve always aspired to be a strong, powerful
        woman like them.”

        Sandborn began working for
        the Lansing Chamber four
        months ago and moved to                                                                “My only goal in life is to make my daughter proud,”
        Michigan only six years ago.                                                            said Sandborn. “I hope that my daughter looks at
        While starting a new job in an                                                          me the same way I’ve always looked up to my mom
        unfamiliar area may be scary,                                                           and grandma.”
        she felt confident as both her
        grandmother and mother were                                                             To this day, Sandborn’s grandmother continues to
        incredibly involved in the                                                              stay involved within the Sioux Falls community.
        Sioux Falls Area Chamber of                                                             Sandborn speaks with admiration, mentioning that
        Commerce in South Dakota.                                                               a free moment for her grandmother to call and
                                                                                                catch up is only when Betty is on her daily two-
        “I have lived and breathed the                                                          mile walk.
        chamber since I was a baby,”
        said Sandborn.  “I already                                                             “My grandma is going to be 77 in June,” said
        knew the lay of the land and                                                            Sandborn. “She’s only been retired for a few years,
        had peace of mind knowing                                                               but she still serves on a ton of boards. What she
        what the chamber does. Every                                                            does in one day, I seemingly seem to do in the span
        community wants the same                                                                of one week. She definitely gets the most out of
        thing  — to  create positive                                                            every single day – even in retirement.”
        change while recognizing the
        different voices and viewpoints                                                         Sandborn says her grandmother set the bar high.
        within the community.”                                                                           She hopes to do the same for her
                                                                                                         daughter. And that doesn’t necessarily
        Her grandmother was highly                                                                       mean being involved in community
        respected and adored within the Sioux Falls area after serving 48 years at the Sioux             commerce — more like being a strong,
        Falls Area Chamber of Commerce. Once retired, they renamed the boardroom                         kind leader and woman, just like Betty
        after her and the mayor titled the day of her retirement as ‘Betty Ordal Day.’ So                Ordal.
        much of who Sandborn is today can be traced back to her childhood.
                                                                                                        “My daughter, Lauren was excited when
        “When my grandmother was honored, my great-grandma was living. My                                she heard I got the job with the Lansing
        daughter was in attendance as well. It was amazing to look out at the crowd                      Chamber,” said Sandborn.  “She’s very
        together and see how many lives my grandmother impacted,” said Sandborn.                         familiar with the organization and she’s
        “My grandma is always so kind and respectful, yet gets the work done. She is                     very familiar with  the history of  her
        definitely what a woman would want to emulate in all areas of her life.”                         great-grandma. She gets it and couldn’t
                                                                                                         be prouder. All the women in my life are
        And just as Sandborn thanks the many generations of strong women before                          so supportive of each other and we’re
        her, she hopes and strives to be a shining light and inspiration for her nine-                   always there to lift each other up.” n
        year-old daughter.

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