Page 19 - LRCC February 2022 Focus
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In the past few months, the LRCC has put together “People with disabilities can bring a unique perspective
programs designed to offer DEI courses to teams to the workforce. They overcome challenges, whether
of individuals, facilitated by experienced instructors they're physical or mental, as they move through their
for professional & organizational development. The daily lives. They’re creative problem solvers,” Roberts
LRCC DEI series has provided practical strategies for says. “It's really about finding out what a person's
businesses looking to connect diversity to business strengths are and if there's a functional limitation, using
strategy for growth in three target areas: workplace, an accommodation to address it.”
workforce, and marketplace.
Members who have attended the LRCC DEI sessions
Some of the programs the Lansing Regional Chamber of have provided valuable information to use in their DEI
Commerce has had in the past focused on understanding leadership role. They have also expressed that the
and addressing implicit bias and microaggressions resources and sessions have been a self-reflection.
in the workplace, inclusive leadership and reasonable Dorinda Carter Andrews, chair of the teacher education
accommodations in the department
workplace. at Michigan
DIVERSITY, EQUITY & State University
“Members were able and Darryl
to understand how INCLUSION PARTNERS Shelton, COO,
to recognize their Christian Schools
own biases and learn International
strategies to eliminate & Davenport
biases in organizations, Michigan Diversity Council University IPEX, have
explore critical self- LEAP: One&All – Inclusive Entrepreneurship facilitated some
reflection, and provide recent programs.
strategies for action Michigan State University: Office of Diversity, Equity
that support equity and Inclusion Upcoming DEI
and inclusion in the Davenport University programs include
workplace,” said Lansing Community College: Office of Diversity diverse hiring
Willis. “They also and Inclusion strategies, fostering a
learned how to culture of belonging
make modifications Grand Ledge Chamber of Commerce in the workplace,
and implement Michigan Premier Events: Executive Leadership a course on Small
necessary and Essential Programs Business certifications
reasonable Sparrow Health System for women-owned,
accommodations minority-owned,
in the workplace so If you would like your organization's DEI information and veteran-owned
their employees can included, contact Steve Japinga, vice president of public businesses. The LRCC
feel seen, safe and affairs, LRCC at will also start a DEI
secure. Members Executive Roundtable
who participated for executives, a
in these sessions 12-month commitment
were also equipped consisting of 12 leaders
with tools to become aware of, and sensitive to, the to implement social change within their organizations,
emotional reactions and expressions in themselves and enhance their role as inclusive leaders and provide
others with issues around race, political divisions, and tangible tools for business growth and success. The
religious differences.” DEI Executive Roundtable will be facilitated by Dr.
Tonya Bailey, founder of TCB Consulting, Inc., and chief
A recent training focused on “reasonable diversity officer at Lansing Community College.
accommodations,” a term that is confusing and can cause
some employers to back away from developing a DEI “Advancing workplace diversity is more important today
program. Anna Warbach, a business relations consultant than ever before, said Dr. Bailey. “While the topic of
and Christine Roberts, an occupational therapy consultant, diversity, equity and inclusion isn’t new, 2020 was a
both working at the Michigan Department of Labor and wake-up call for companies to reexamine their DEI
Economic Opportunity, conducted the program. Roberts initiatives. Consumers take their business to companies
stressed the importance of a comprehensive, reasonable with a proven commitment to diversity, equity and
accommodation process for employers, as it will do more inclusion. As employees are looking to executive
than increase the inclusivity in workplaces. Still, it will also leadership to make a difference, organizations must
provide a different point of view to many businesses in the evolve or risk a shrinking candidate pool, reduced
Greater Lansing region. market share, and ultimately, lost profitability. The
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