Page 16 - LRCC February 2022 Focus
P. 16
A Major
Commitment to
Diversity, Equity
and Inclusion
T we were nowhere near business as usual when it comes
he killing of George Floyd, combined with
to social injustice and systemic inequality of opportunity
several other shootings, has dramatically shifted
this country's dynamic – it resulted in one of
for our communities of color. As LRCC leaders reflected
the largest protest movements in decades. The
event was the latest in a series of shootings
uncomfortable truth of inequality, the organization decided
to launch a major DEI commitment that includes programs,
that have culminated in an unprecedented, widespread on how to best drive positive change in confronting the
demand for social justice. resources and professional development to empower the
business community to contribute to an equitable and
The push for social justice is not new. The killing of George inclusive region.
Floyd, combined with several other shootings, have
dramatically shifted the dynamic in this country. Corporate “Embracing diversity, equity and inclusion makes
America has become more engaged and businesses of all our businesses stronger and our communities more
shapes and sizes are recognizing that a commitment to welcoming,” said Tim Daman, president & CEO, LRCC.
diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is necessary for their
business, employees, customers and most importantly, the The decision to commit to DEI came as an increasing
future of their communities. number of business leaders recognized the importance
of increasing their commitment to DEI within their
Amid the heightened social justice movement came the organizations. Employees and shareholders became a
Covid pandemic, which drew even more attention to the driving force for corporate commitment and consumers are
inequality of opportunity in our nation, state and region. driving a marketplace revolution. National studies show that
As the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce (LRCC) 78% of consumers want companies to address social justice
led regional efforts to get businesses relaunched and issues and prefer that product decisions align with their
reengaged during the pandemic, it was also clear that values and support just causes.
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