Page 14 - LRCC February 2022 Focus
P. 14
LRCC Ambassadors
connect with our
members at all of
our events including
the Annual Dinner
last summer held at
Jackson Stadium.
Fisher and Hershfield Lead Motivated Group of
LRCC Ambassadors
ost of you know members of the Lansing Regional
Chamber of Commerce (LRCC) Ambassador
MCommittee by their bright smiling faces at 2022 LRCC AMBASSADOR
registration or the flash of their gold name tags as they are COMMITTEE
building relationships. The Ambassador Committee serves
a critical role in the LRCC’s ability to connect, engage and
help our members and ensure the membership investment Carmen Argersinger, Demphna Krikorian,
provides value. manager, Strategic senior director of
Partnerships, Delta development, Child and
The Ambassador Committee is comprised of business and Dental of Michigan Family Charities
community leaders from a variety of business and non- Daria Czarnik,
profit backgrounds who believe in the LRCC’s mission regional sales manager, Shawn Mach, attorney,
to help businesses connect, grow and thrive. You will Royal Alliances Klug Law Firm
see them at every LRCC event, assisting members to Chaz Carrillo, independent Sara Majeske, community
get checked in, seated and engaged. You will hear from agent associate, David ambassador and executive
assistant, Custom Built
Chapman Agency
them throughout the year as they inquire about the value Design & Remodeling
of your membership. They will be out celebrating every Colleen Curran-Schultz, Chad Munce, digital sales
local sales manager,
ribbon cutting and grand opening happening in the mid- Effectv manager, WLNS-TV
Michigan region. They are advocating for the growth of our Heather Febres-Cordero, Corey Rees, market
organization by connecting the LRCC to future members. community relations, manager, RJourney
Hospice of Lansing – Ionia
Leading the 2022 Ambassador Committee as chair will Area Hospice Barb Schram, independent
distributor, Shaklee
be Lisa Fisher, owner and CEO of Lisa Fisher Associates, Lisa Fisher, speaker/
a business consultancy firm. Stephen Hershfield, senior trainer/coach, Lisa Fisher Ernest Tisdale,
Mid-Michigan regional
associate with CBRE, will serve as vice chair and Demphna Associates (Chair) director, EDUStaff
Kirkorian, senior director of development, Child and Family Thomas Hamp, business Dan Wilkinson,
Charities, as secretary. Ambassador leaders are selected coach, Advicoach commercial loan officer,
annually by the group. Steve Hershfield, senior Eaton Community Bank
associate, CBRE (Vice Chair) Andy Zarkovich,
“I am so excited to lead this year’s group of ambassadors Casey Jacobsen, business independent agent,
as the business community continues to navigate the marketing representative, Reed Insurance Agency
challenges related to COVID while also planning for our LaFontaine Automotive
region’s bright future,” said Fisher. “The Ambassador Group
Committee is motivated and excited to work together to Lawalt Johnson,
help future members find the Lansing Regional Chamber supervisor of network
while also helping current members utilize and find value security & operations,
Lansing Board of Water
in the tools, resources and relationships that are part of their and Light
membership investment.” l