Page 10 - LRCC February 2022 Focus
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MEMBER NEWS                                                            FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  FEBRUARY 2022

        Lansing Community College Celebrates December Graduates

             ansing Community College (LCC) celebrated its
             December graduates with in-person ceremonies. The
       LLCC’s Fire Science Academy graduated 16 recruits at
        its ceremony on Dec. 17. Retired LCC Fire Science Academy
        Coordinator Bill Pawluk served as guest speaker.

        A nurse pinning ceremony was held on Tuesday, Dec. 14,
        with 69 graduates being pinned. One nursing student was
        pinned a few weeks early and with excellent reason. Nursing
        student and U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Jacob Showerman
        received orders for deployment to Uzbekistan, which would
        prevent him from taking part in the traditional ceremony.

        The LCC’s nursing program worked with Showerman to
        provide accommodations for him to complete his clinicals
        before his deployment, and he has since completed all
        his program requirements.

        Showerman received his pin from the U.S. Ambassador
        to Uzbekistan, Daniel Rosenblum. He also received the   The Mid-Michigan Police Academy at LCC graduated its
        nursing program’s Florence Nightingale Award for the    newest recruits on Friday, Dec. 13 at the West Campus,
        graduating student who went above and beyond. As a      which had 24 graduates in its 108th class. Sheriff Tom
        military student in the Nursing Program, Showerman was   Reich from the Eaton County Sheriff’s Office served as
        also the recipient of an LCC Foundation scholarship.    the guest speaker. l

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