Page 8 - LRCC February 2022 Focus
P. 8

MEMBER NEWS                                                            FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  FEBRUARY 2022

        McLaren’s New Health Care Campus Expanding with

        Addition of Medical Services Building

              he new McLaren health care campus opening         capabilities featuring all-new equipment in the more
              in spring 2022 is already growing with another    than 20,000-square-foot space. All four innovative wide-
        Tmedical services building. Lansing-based               bore MRI systems will have new Siemens technology to
        Gillespie Group will develop the new 60,200-square-     allow faster scanning times. Additional services include
        foot building.                                          a new digital PET/CT scanner and CT scanners offering
                                                                faster scanning times and lower isotope doses. This
        “In developing the new health care campus for           center is focused on patient comfort and convenience,
        Greater Lansing, we have focused on adding new ways     including on-site parking and evening and weekend
        for patients to access care and strengthen the          hours. McLaren and MSU Health Care are also working
        partnership between McLaren and MSU Health Care,”       on expanding programs to train the next generation of
        said Kirk Ray, president and CEO, McLaren Greater       physicians and diagnostic imaging services.
        Lansing. “The new facility will launch an innovative
        model for diagnostic imaging care between McLaren      “This project is a result of many years of collaboration,”
        and MSU Health Care and make it easier for patients to   said Seth Ciabotti, CEO, MSU Health Care. “Together,
        receive radiologic exams.”                              MSU Health Care and McLaren will combine the latest
                                                                imaging technology with the clinical and research
        The development of the facility will employ 100-150     expertise of talented providers, technologists, and
        construction workers, and Lansing-based, Christman      researchers. We will provide a quicker and more
        Company, will serve as the construction manager for     accurate diagnosis, shorter wait times, and research to
        the project. The construction is expected to take 16    meet the growing need in our community.”
        months, with a target completion date of summer 2023.
                                                                When McLaren announced the new health care
        “We are not developing just a typical medical office    campus and expanded partnerships with Michigan
        building. This building will be a destination for       State University in 2017, it was the beginning of
        outpatient care to meet the needs of the residents in   reshaping the University Health Park (formerly known
        this region and beyond,” said Pat Gillespie, president,   as the University Corporate Research Park), part of the
        Gillespie Group. “It is inspiring to know that this     MSU Innovation Network.
        development will impact our community and health for
        generations to come.”                                  “We are thrilled to see additional facilities being developed
                                                                to support the mission of the University Health Park,”
        The most significant component of the facility will be a   said David Washburn, executive director, Michigan
        new outpatient imaging center which is a joint venture   State University Foundation. “This very ground and
        between McLaren and MSU Health Care to improve          surrounding area anchored by McLaren will become a
        access to state-of the-art, low-dose digitized diagnostic   premier destination for medical research and education
        technology. The center includes a full suite of imaging   and will be a beacon for medical innovation.” l

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