Page 12 - LRCC February 2022 Focus
P. 12
Meet the New LRCC Board Members
he Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce is delighted to welcome three new members to its 2022 Board of
Directors. We want to introduce you to the three newcomers: Luke Terry (Rehmann), Amy Scoby (The Christman
TCompany) and Lisa Webb Sharpe (Peckham).
Luke is principal/ COMPANY PECKHAM
advisor, wealth
management Amy (Baumer) Lisa Webb Sharpe
with Rehmann. Scoby is the joined Peckham,
Luke develops senior vice Inc., in August
creative president at 2020, to serve as
Terry strategies that Scoby The Christman Sharpe its chief operating
help clients meet Company, a officer. Webb
their financial goals, integrating asset national construction management Sharpe oversees four lines of business.
management and retirement plan and real estate development firm In addition to manufacturing clothing
services with overall business and headquartered in Lansing. Scoby and other equipment for the military,
financial objectives. Luke began his provides corporate leadership for her portfolio includes information
financial services career in 2003 and Christman’s marketing, business and help desk services, supply chain,
has supported small- to mid-size development and government warehousing and logistics and
business owners, high-net-worth relations activities. She has more janitorial services. Marketing and
individuals and than 20 years of experience in business development round out her
their families, and healthcare the government, education, and body of work. Before joining Peckham,
professionals. He has extensive business sectors, including directing Webb Sharpe served as executive
knowledge of portfolio construction, an office within the Michigan vice president at Lansing Community
providing customized solutions for Department of Technology, College, director of the Michigan
each client’s unique financial goals Management and Budget before Department of Management and
and needs. Before entering the joining Christman. Budget, and as Governor Granholm’s
financial services field, Luke was a cabinet secretary and policy director.
professional merger and statistical Webb Sharpe earned her doctoral
arbitrage equity trader for two degree in educational leadership from
Chicago-based private hedge funds. Ferris State University.
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