Page 34 - LRCC FOCUS December 2021
P. 34


        State University are seeking                            Public Schools,    NAI Mid-Michigan had another
        applicants for the 2022-2024 Lansing                    Eaton Rapids       successful month serving our
        Poet Laureate position. The Lansing                     Public Schools,    clients and delivering outstanding
        Poet Laureate engages the tri-                          Grand Ledge        outcomes. Extremely thankful to our
        county community in the literary arts                   Public Schools,    team for their efforts in achieving
        to promote poetry as an art form,                       Insight School     these results: total leased: 120,179
        expand access to the literary arts,                     of Michigan,       square feet; total building sales:
        connect the community to poetry,                        Island City        55,560 square feet; total land: 47.80
        and showcase poetry as a literary                       Academy,           acres; building sales: $5,975,000; land
                                                                                         LAFCU Act with Love & Equity Art Initiative
        voice that contributes to a greater   Chambers          Maple Valley       sales: $220,000.
                                                                                               Winning artwork
        sense of place. As an ambassador                        Schools, Oneida
        for poetry throughout the tri-county   District #3, Potterville Public Schools
        region, the Lansing Poet Laureate    and Relevant Academy of Eaton
        serves a 2-year term and receives a   County. On Tuesday, October 26,
        $2,000 yearly stipend from LEAP.     Dr. Terah Venzant Chambers
        In 2022, the Poet Laureate program   provided a DEI-focused learning
        will welcome Lansing’s third Poet    opportunity and discussed with
        Laureate, following two exceptional   local school board members. The
        past Poet Laureates, Dennis          topic of discussion was focused on
        Hinrichsen (2018-2020) and Laura     understanding common definitions
        Apol (2020-2022). LEAP is accepting   of DEI and how each of these
        applications for the 2022-2024       impacts schools.
        Lansing Poet Laureate until 5 p.m.
        Monday, Feb. 7, 2022, at

        Highfields and WLNS are
        partnering for the 17th annual
        Holiday Toy Drive to help provide
        toys to children and families in the
        community. The Toy Drive began
        on Nov. 16 and lasts until December
        14th. Highfields’ Holiday Toy Drive   Conquest Fitness owner Andre Hutson
        wouldn’t be possible without         presents a check for $2,500 to officials at   LAFCU Act with Love & Equity Art Initiative   1
                                             McLaren Greater Lansing.
        the help of mid-Michigan Ford
        dealerships who put a toy collection   Hope for a smoother, brighter
        box at their location.: Grand Ledge   recovery was given to those
        Ford Lincoln, Seymour Ford Lincoln,   battling cancer in Greater Lansing
        Merrill Ford, Pauli Ford, Candy Ford,   as Conquest Fitness presented a
        La Fontaine Ford, Signature Ford of   check for $2,500 to the McLaren
        Perry, Signature Ford Owosso, Irish   Greater Lansing Foundation.
        Hills Ford. Highfields would also like   Conquest Fitness went beyond
        to thank Two Men and a Truck for     awareness and acted during
        supplying the donation boxes.        Cancer Awareness Month to raise
                                             funds for cancer care at McLaren
        Eaton RESA (Regional Education       Greater Lansing Hospital. Cancer
        Service Agency) invites school       Awareness Month takes place every
        board members from local districts   year during October and aims to
        in its service area to come together   raise awareness of the disease. In
        several times per year for the       Michigan, more than 62,000 people
        Eaton County Area School Board       are estimated to be diagnosed with
        Association (CASBA). The initial     cancer in 2021, according to the
        meeting for the 2021-22 school year   Cancer Statistics Center. Conquest
        was held on On Tuesday, Oct. 26,     Fitness has a mission to be “life-
        focusing on diversity, equity, and   ready” and raising money to fight     In the holiday spirit, LAFCU shared 10
        inclusion (DEI). CASBA participants   cancer in Greater Lansing is just    caring words, graphically depicted by
                                                                                   local artists, via projection mapping
        include members of the following     one way the organization is working   LAFCU Act with Love & Equity Art Initiative   2
        Boards of Education: Charlotte       toward that mission.                  on the Lansing Center during Silver
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