Page 31 - LRCC FOCUS December 2021
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member of the board for
15 years.
Ele’s Place
Capital Region
is pleased to
announce the
appointment of
new community
board member
Paul Kearney, MSU Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU)
chief claims announced that it will expand its
officer, AF support of student-athletes by
Group. AF Group providing compensation to all
has supported Ele’s Place since its eligible players on the Michigan
inception in 1991. State University (MSU) women’s
basketball team for the 2021-2022
COMPANY NEWS season (October – June) through
name, image, and likeness contracts.
The Ingham County Board of MSUFCU has been a sponsor of
Commissioners and the Lansing MSU Athletics for more than 12
Economic Area Partnership (LEAP) years, and became the presenting
announced additional grant recipients partner of MSU women’s basketball
of the $11 million Ingham County in 2019 as part of its multiyear
Sunrise Small Business Grants athletics sponsorship agreement.
Program. Eighty-three nonprofit MSUFCU sees this partnership as an
organizations from across Ingham opportunity to assist women athletes
County received grants of $10,000 or and to recognize the value they bring
$20,000 based on annual revenue, to the university and the community.
A Leadership employment and other factors, for a
Book with a total of $1,240,000 in grant awards. The Mid-Michigan Treatment Courts
Foundation held its 11th annual
The nonprofit awards add on to the
TWIS T $3, 235,000in grant funds LEAP and breakfast Oct. 29. The Foundation
continues to support local sobriety
Ingham County awarded in the Retail,
Goods and Services and Hospitality
by helping to alleviate everyday
and Tourism categories in September courts and their participants
2021, for a total of $4,475,000 financial obstacles that may hinder a
distributed to date. Relief grants in participant’s progress towards sobriety
other categories will be awarded in such as substance abuse counseling
the coming weeks, including grants fees and transportation costs. This
for sole proprietors, new businesses year’s guest speaker was Joshua Corts
started during the pandemic and who has battled addiction for years
restaurants/eateries/taverns. and now uses his experience to help
others as a certified peer recovery
The Clinton County Board of mentor for the mid-Michigan area.
Commissioners took action to assist
small businesses negatively affected Reseda Group is proud to announce
by the COVID-19 pandemic by the acquisition of Foresight Group,
allocating $2 million from the county’s a technology driven commercial
first tranche of American Rescue Plan printing company with locations in
Act funds for small business grants. Lansing and Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Author: Ross Woodstock The county selected the Lansing Founded in 1990 by President Bill
Executive Coach and Economic Area Partnership to design Christofferson, Foresight Group has
Leadership Consultant and administer the program, which grown to become the largest printer in
Available on Amazon will deliver grants ranging from mid-Michigan providing commercial
$10,000-$25,000 to small businesses printing, direct mail services, large
with 100 or fewer employees physically sign printing, promotional items, trade
located in Clinton County. show displays, and most recently