Page 28 - LRCC FOCUS December 2021
P. 28
NEW HIRES joins as a part-time team member.
She oversees all the behind-the-
First National scenes details of keeping them
Bank of Michigan organized, and she is the new face and
announces creator behind Arts Night Out.
the addition of
Dan Montes as Yvonne Fleener,
vice president, executive director
relationship of Helping Hands
manager. He Respite Care, Ciolek Robinson
will work inthe has accepted
Lansing office, a new position
located at 101 S. as president
Washington Square. Montes attended and CEO of the
DeVry University in California, Disability Network
where he studied communications Fleener of Southwest
management/project management. Michigan. The
He is an active member of the Lansing Disability Network educates and
Regional Chamber of Commerce. connects people with disabilities to
resources while advocating social
Fraser Trebilcock change. Botruff Norton
is pleased to
announce the Diversified
hiring of a new National Title
attorney Lauren Agency is pleased
D. Harrington to announce the
who will work in new addition
the firm’s Lansing of Susan
and Detroit Hengesbach as
offices. Lauren the director of
worked at Fraser first impressions.
Trebilcock as a summer associate Hengesbach Hengesbach Backus Corcoran
and law clerk while pursuing her law joins the growing
degree at Wayne State University Law team at Diversified as an experienced
School. Before joining the firm, Lauren professional with a successful career in
clerked for the Office of Legal Counsel creating strong personal relationships
for the Governor of Michigan. and connections. Diversified is located
at 500 E. Michigan Ave., Suite 203 in
Following recent business and
continued client growth, Ngage
Management has welcomed eight Sempsrott Seach
new employees to its Okemos- excellence and expertise in association
based company over the last five and event management services.
months. Joining the team is Katelyn
Ciolek, executive strategist; Mariam AWARDS
Vits Zacarias Robinson, association director; Sarah
Tabor Vits has joined the Arts Botruff, membership and event Two Sparrow caregivers have received
Council of Greater Lansing as the specialist; Kristine Norton, event national leadership awards for their
program assistant. Tabor joins as a manager; Ariel Backus, CMP, event exemplary work in patient quality
full-time team member and will serve manager; Molly Corcoran, events and experience. Elizabeth Butz,
as the support person on grants, intern; Allison Sempsrott, visual patient experience coordinator for
member outreach and programming, communications designer; Jillian Sparrow Hospital and Marti Samsel,
including leading the annual Creative Seach, digital media strategist. Ngage clinical services manager for Sparrow
Placemaking Summit. Katrina- Management is excited to welcome Specialty Hospital, were given 2021
Monica Zacarias has been hired as its new team members and feels Healthcare Leadership Awards from
the administrative assistant. Katrina well-aligned to continue to provide its Professional Research Consultants