Page 26 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
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silver award in the blog category, Gem in Holt. She was chosen for the approximately
and a social media campaign about award by her peers for her leadership 23 paid summer
homeschooling on Facebook for and dedication to Highfields. The internships to
Centric Learning, winning a silver award recognizes integrity, passion college students
award in the social media content- for helping others, perseverance, interested in an
campaign category. and commitment to excellence. It insurance career.
is named after Carl J. Latona, who This exciting
served as president and CEO of nine-week
Highfields for more than 25 years. opportunity
offers students
in both the underwriting and
brokerage sides of the surplus lines
marketplace by working with actual
risks and learning alongside leaders
in the industry.
Ingham Intermediate School
District recently received a Gold
Publicom Inc., a full-service Medallion Award from the Michigan
marketing communications firm, has School Public Relations Association
been recognized in the 19th Annual (MSPRA) for its 2020 Headlee Special Racine Weismiller
Service Industry Advertising Awards Education Restoration Millage
competition for digital marketing, Information Campaign. MSPRA's
employee recruitment, and media Gold Medallion Award recognizes
relations. Publicom's winning work outstanding programs or projects
and award categories are: What if? that advance education through
Team Member Vaccination Eblast for responsible communication. Only
Smile America Partners, Farmington four such awards were given to
Hills — COVID Response Materials; Michigan school districts this year.
Red Letter Day DDS Recruitment for
Smile America Partners — Employee Sparrow Carson Hospital has
or Staff Recruitment; Media relations recognized a medical-surgical nurse Ferguson Reich
support for LAFCU Listen & Learn known for her outstanding care with Sparrow Carson Hospital welcomes
Program for LAFCU, Lansing — the DAISY Award for extraordinary Michael Racine, M.D., as the new
Total Public Relations Campaign nursing. Lacie Janssen, RN, was chief of staff. Dr. Racine earned his
and Media relations support for nominated by a patient and retired medical degree from Michigan
LAFCU Act with Love & Equality Art nurse of 37 years. The nomination State University (MSU) in 2002
Initiative for LAFCU — Equality & says, "Lacie represents the hospital and completed his residency at
Diversity Promotion — Total Public and profession extremely well. She MSU from 2002 to 2005. Sparrow
Relations Campaign. The two LAFCU is knowledgeable, kind, and caring. Clinton's new chief of staff is Mark
community programs earned a She was able to anticipate my needs Weismiller, M.D. Dr. Weismiller
gold award, the highest in their and made my stay so much easier by is a general surgeon at Sparrow
categories. keeping me informed." Clinton, seeing patients through his
practice at Sparrow Medical Group
Velrie Allen, Highfields' residential DISTINCTIONS (SMG) St. Johns. Troy Ferguson,
program direct services supervisor, D.O., is the current chief of staff
has been named the 2022 recipient Lansing Community College at Sparrow Eaton. Dr. Ferguson is
of the Carl J. Latona Distinguished student Martin Gale has been Sparrow Eaton's Breast Care Center
Service Award. Velrie was honored selected into the elite Wholesale Medical Director and practices
with the award at Highfields' and Specialty Insurance Association general surgery at Lansing Surgical
Employee Recognition Banquet on (WSIA) 2022 internship program. The Associates. Sparrow Ionia Hospital
Saturday, February 26, at The Hidden WSIA Internship Program awards welcomes Brett Reich, D.O., as