Page 31 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
Black business accelerator program teacher at Vandercook Lake Public Sparrow is promoting a new cardiac
in Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Schools. His retirement is effective tool for patients that's offered
counties. Elevate, an entrepreneurial September 1. nowhere else in Mid-Michigan.
support program focused on The cardiac MRI machine takes a
empowering, refining, enhancing, Origami comprehensive, thorough look deep
and scaling Black businesses to grow Rehabilitation into a patient's heart, allowing highly
into the future, is meant to help would like skilled physicians to better evaluate
Black business owners improve and to recognize the structure and tissue. It's a major
maximize operational efficiency and physical advancement in measuring how the
heighten business sophistication therapist Mariah heart is functioning and can uncover
to drive increased profitability and Morgan for issues that other technology can't.
revenue. The Elevate initiative is introducing And it's close to home, so that mid-
made possible through a three-year pelvic health Michigan residents don't have to
grant from PNC as part of its $88 Drzewicki therapy as a travel outside the area.
billion Community Benefits Plan specialty service
announced in 2021, inclusive of a at Origami. Pelvic health therapy MSU Federal Credit Union
previously announced commitment is recommended for disorders of (MSUFCU) celebrated the grand
of more than $1.5 billion to support the pelvic region, including, but opening of its Auburn Hills regional
Black Americans' economic not limited to, pain, weakness, and/ office on February 24, with an
empowerment and low- and or dysfunction of the pelvic floor event for community members and
moderate-income communities. muscles. Men, women, young partners. Attendees of the event
athletes, aging adults, new moms, enjoyed formal remarks by April
The Tri-County Regional Planning and others may benefit from this Clobes, MSUFCU president/CEO;
Commission is conducting a type of therapy. Angela Brown, MSUFCU board chair;
comprehensive housing assessment Dr. Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, president
of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Origami of Oakland University; and Kevin
counties called HousingDrives to Rehabilitation Daniels, mayor of Auburn Hills,
better understand and address the would also like among others. After a ceremonial
existing housing market trends to recognize ribbon cutting, attendees toured the
and barriers in Greater Lansing. occupational new building.
HousingDrives will use qualitative therapist Emilie
and quantitative information to Brzak for
provide a holistic conversation on spearheading
how housing impacts every aspect their new
of the economy. This will include Brzak pediatric service
a data-driven assessment at the line. Origami's
neighborhood, city, and regional pediatric services can benefit
scale and a strategy with specific newborns to adolescents with
policies addressing the region's neurological disorders, orthopedic
housing needs. injuries, vision diagnoses, mental
health needs, speech, and oral
Superintendent motor conditions. Brzak's expertise
of Mason Public and passion were essential in
Schools Ronald preparing to help Origami's Twenty-two students from the
Drzewicki youngest clients reach their goals. Wilson Talent Center (WTC) have
notified the competed in regional SkillsUSA
Board of In one of the first steps toward competitions and have earned the
Education fruition of Sparrow's largest-ever honor of advancing to the state
on Monday, investment in the region, Sparrow competition. SkillsUSA is a national
February 28, Medical Supply is improving non-profit organization serving
of his intent access to patients by moving to the teachers and high school and college
to retire. Frandor Shopping Center. The retail students preparing for careers in
Drzewicki has served public portion of the store opened Monday, trade, technical, and skilled service
education for 35 years in several February 21, at 326 E. Morgan Lane, occupations. Students from the
roles, as superintendent of Mason near Liberty Coin and Ulta Beauty. construction, criminal justice, new
Public Schools and White Pigeon The store is open from 8 a.m. to media, and precision machining
Community Schools, principal at 5 p.m. and will be more centrally programs represented the WTC at
Coldwater Community Schools, and located to many area residents. regional competitions. l