Page 28 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
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require. PFCU has grown from four very collaboratively, and lived Colliers' Diocese of Lansing, second grade,
employees in 1978 to more than 180 values. It also recognizes the top 10 teacher: Elizabeth Wylegala; Ada
staff members. Assets have grown percent of all Colliers professionals in Lesnau, Cole Academy East, Cole
from $3.5 million to more than brokerage, valuation, and corporate Academy School District, second
$750 million, and membership has solutions across the U.S. business grade, teacher: Layna Lesnau;
increased from 3,000 to more based on revenue production. Claudia Miklavcic, Haslett High
than 53,000. School, Haslett Public Schools, 12th
The Team grade, teacher: Kaylee Fletcher;
Origami Lansing Kayla Turner, Williamston High
Rehabilitation Foundation, School, Williamston Community
would like to along with the Schools, 12th grade, teacher: Meagan
congratulate Greater Lansing Kubu, and Azul Vazquez, Waverly
occupational Convention Middle School, Waverly Community
therapist Colette and Visitors Schools, eighth grade, teacher: Laura
Brzezinski on Bureau (GLCVB), Weber.
co-publishing is pleased to
an article in Piper recognize Amy PROMOTIONS
Occupational Piper, CTA,
Therapy Practice as the Greater Lansing Certified Reflective of the
Magazine on the embedded therapy Tourism Ambassador Star of the Year. strong leadership
model on an organ transplant Piper was honored at the GLCVB that has
unit within acute care. Brzezinski's Annual Meeting on March 1 at the positioned the
other recent accomplishments NCG Cinema in Lansing. organization as a
include serving on the Brain Injury national specialty
Association of Michigan's Steering MSU Federal Credit Union insurance
Committee, teaching adjunct (MSUFCU) announced its learning solutions
courses for Western Michigan and development program ranked provider, A.F.
University's Occupational Therapy No. 18 out of 95 placed organizations Matthews Group has
Program, and receiving a Going Pro in the 2022 Training APEX Awards. announced the
grant. This is the fourth consecutive year promotion of Walter Matthews as
Training Magazine has recognized vice president of A.F. Specialty. Since
Origami MSUFCU for best-in-class employee joining A.F. Group in 2010, Matthews
Rehabilitation training and development. MSUFCU has held various positions within
would also like also received the Outstanding the actuarial department, providing
to congratulate Training Initiative Award for the oversight of the organization's
physical therapist second consecutive year. actuarial services related to
Kacy Shetler reserving, pricing, underwriting
on completing Each March, the Arts Council of strategies, forecasting, and
her Vestibular Greater Lansing celebrates Youth reinsurance. Additionally, he led the
Rehabilitation Art Month with its Young Creatives launch of the company's assumed
Shetler and Concussion Billboard Project in partnership with reinsurance business and has
Certification Adams Outdoor Advertising. Youth cultivated strong relationships with
through the American Institute on Arts Month is a national program valued reinsurance and program
Balance. Kacy was also selected as founded by the Council for Art partners.
the recipient of a Going Pro grant. Education in 1961 and emphasizes
the importance of having quality Michelle Rosa-
Shawn H. arts education programming in the Derdowski has
O'Brien, CCIM, K-12 school curriculum. This year, 22 been promoted
vice president at original artworks were submitted to the director of
Colliers Lansing, by Greater Lansing area teachers special education
was inducted and six final pieces were selected program
into Colliers' 2021 for the billboards. The 2022 Young accountability
Everest Club. Creative billboards feature the at Ingham
The Everest art of the following youth artists: Intermediate
Club represents Clara Hedges, Cornell Elementary, Rosa-Derdowski School District.
O'Brien professionals Okemos Public Schools, fourth Rosa-Derdowski
who have grade, teacher: Lindsey Price; will be responsible for planning
excelled at client service, worked Patrick Keefe, St. Martha School, and implementing activities and