Page 5 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
P. 5                                                                  CALENDAR OF EVENTS

        March 2022                                                        CHAMBER 360

                   POLICY FORUM                                  3/22     Tuesday, March 22 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.
          3/3      Thursday, March 3 from 5 to 8 p.m.                     Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce |
                   Country Club of Lansing | 2200 Moores River            500 E. Michigan Ave., Suite 200; Lansing, MI
                   Drive; Lansing, MI                           The Chamber 360 program provides an intimate venue
                                                                for current LRCC members or businesses considering
        Sponsored by Jackson National Life, the Policy Forum will   joining the LRCC to connect with other members, provide
        welcome veteran White House correspondent, Jon Decker   brief remarks, meet the LRCC team and take a deeper
        of Gray Television. Decker has covered the Clinton, Bush,   dive into the value and support you can utilize. The
        Obama, Trump and Biden administrations, 26 State of the   program’s goal is to acclimate you with your investment
        Union addresses and seven presidential elections.
                                                                and put together a plan of action for membership
        Cost: LRCC member: $55; Future LRCC member: $75; Table   engagement and strong ROI.
        of eight: $425
                                                                Cost: Complimentary for LRCC members
                   MARCH MEMBER MIXER                                     DIVERSITY, EQUITY &
          3/8      Tuesday, March 8 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.                INCLUSION SERIES
                   Ellison Brewery | 1314 S. Washington Ave.;     3/23    Wednesday, March 23 from 10 to 11 a.m.
                   Lansing, MI
                                                                          Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce |
        Brew up the good times and groovy connections at Ellison          500 E. Michigan Ave., Suite 200; Lansing, MI
        Brewery's newest location in REO Town!
                                                                A discussion of the small business, 8A, women-owned
        Cost: Complimentary for LRCC members                    small business (WOSB), veteran-owned small business
                                                                (VOSB) registration requirements and benefits of the
                   LANSING ECONOMIC CLUB                        certifications. Speakers: Mike Hindenach, program
          3/15     Tuesday, March 15 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  manager of PTAC of South Central Michigan & Shannon
                  Sponsored by Moonsail North, the event will   Barker, procurement counselor of PTAC of South Central
                  feature a panel of distinguished women in     Michigan.
        leadership who will discuss their backgrounds and the   Cost: Complimentary for LRCC members
        steps they took to achieving success. Panelists include:
        April Clobes, president & CEO, Michigan State University
        Federal Credit Union, Kelly Preston, owner & president,
        Capital Steel & Wire, and Denise Maybank, vice chancellor
        for student affairs and enrollment management, City
        University of New York. The moderator will be Elaine Hardy,
        director for diversity, equity & inclusion, City of East Lansing
        & 2020 ATHENA Award recipient.
        Cost: Complimentary for Lansing Economic Club
        members; LRCC member: $55; Future LRCC member: $75;
        Table of eight: $425

             Virtual Business Roundtables                         The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
                                                                  (LRCC) hosts numerous events monthly, from
                                                                  Member Mixers to Lansing Economic Club
          Virtual roundtables allow community and                 programs.  The  events and programming
          government leaders an opportunity to share              provide valuable content and information and
          what is going on in the community and                   give members unique opportunities to connect
          determine ways to advise the tri-county region.         and network.
          Delta Township - Eaton County                           The LRCC encourages members to check their
          Wednesday, March 2 from 9 to 10 a.m.                    email, follow LRCC social media channels, and
          Lansing – Delhi Township                                visit the  LRCC website for the most updated
          Wednesday, March 9 from 9 to 10 a.m.                    information on upcoming educational offerings
          East Lansing - Meridian Township                        and networking opportunities.
          Wednesday, March 16 from 9 to 10 a.m.                   Registration is available on the LRCC website.

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