Page 9 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
P. 9                                                                         MEMBER NEWS

        Enspired Solutions Works to Eliminate Pressing

        Environmental Issue

        By: Celine Kerik, Kolt Communications

              oly- and perfluoroalkyl
              substances, also
       Pknown as PFAS, have
        recently become a dominant
        topic of conversation when
        discussing pressing issues of
        the environment.

        PFAS are a group of synthetic
        chemicals that have been
        used in firefighting foams,
        lubricants, food packaging,
        and many household items
        for over 60 years. They can
        remain in the environment
        for years. They can cause liver
        damage, decreased fertility,
        cancer, and other health
        problems to those who have
        high exposure to chemicals.
                                                                Spartan Innovations is part of the Michigan State
        A Laingsburg firm hopes to                              University Foundation and drives venture creation.  It
        become a world leader in                                helps entrepreneurs to start businesses, develop business
        solving the PFAS problem.                               plans, and help technologies commercialize before the
        Denise Kay Ph.D., and Meng                              company is formed, and after the company is formed, to
        Wang Ph.D., MBA, P.E.,                                  create a highly successful business.
        co-founders of Enspired
        Solutions, are looking to                              “I started talking with Denise Kay and we figured out pretty
        remove PFAS from the                                    quickly that there's a lot of things that we can learn from
        environment by destroying                               each other,” says Brad Fingland, the director of Spartan
        it in water through                                     Innovations. “We've been in regular communication about
        commercializing technology                              a corporate strategy and next steps. I also helped sponsor
        and equipment. This technology would work at PFAS       an entrepreneur in residence, which is something that we
        contaminated sites throughout the Midwest and the U.S.   do for companies in our portfolio in our family.”
        The goal is to become the dominant supplier of PFAS
        destruction technology and equipment internationally.    Kay says that after being a tenant in one of Spartan
                                                                Innovations’ buildings, her relationship with the
        “We both were seeing this happening, having             foundation has blossomed. They have provided Enspired
        conversations about it, and started working on how this   Solutions with a lab setup and very flexible opportunities
        problem could be solved,” said Kay. “We decided we      to rent the space that suits their startup's needs. She
        were so passionate about working on what is definitely   is thankful that Spartan Innovations finds value in
        emerging to be a global issue that we decided to leave   supporting a women-owned business.
        our career positions and start Enspired Solutions.”
                                                               “I had a very distinct experience of working for a company
        After founding Enspired Solutions, Kay and Wang         that had a female CEO, and the difference that made in
        were aware that they would need to have a laboratory    the culture of the company had a very significant impact
        to improve the chemistry and how it might work at       on me, the way I worked, and the enjoyment I had in work,”
        scale and offer testing on contaminated water from      said Kay. “I have two daughters who are interested in STEM,
        client sites. That’s when they reached out to Spartan   and I really do think it's important to be setting the model
        Innovations.                                            and give other growing women the opportunity I had that
                                                                was so distinct in my career.” l
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