Page 8 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
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Maner Costerisan Named ‘Best Firms to Work For’
by Accounting Today
By: Elizabeth Yassick, Kolt Communications Inc.
aner Costerisan, a Lansing-
based certified public
Maccounting and business
advisory firm, has been recognized
with three of their industry’s most
prestigious awards. In 2021, the
firm was named one of Accounting
Today’s Best Firms to Work For and
selected as one of the nation’s top-10
Best Firms for Young Accountants. Williams Maner Costerisan’s annual Spirit Week is a week-long
Additionally, Maner Costerisan was celebration featuring themed dress-up days, staff celebrations
one of five Michigan-based firms named in Accounting and fun activities.
Today’s list of top regional firms.
When Maner Costerisan was founded 115 years ago, it
focused on compliance-based work, such as taxes and
auditing. Today, they offer many services, including strategic
planning and wealth management. Throughout the years,
Maner Costerisan has adapted to serve the needs of their
clients, which attributes to their longevity and has always
been committed to delivering the best possible service to
their clients across a wide range of industries.
“When you’re around for 115 years, you’re doing things for the
long-run,” said Trey Williams, president of Maner Costerisan.
“It’s not all short-run profits.”
This mindset not only applies to clients but employees as
well. Maner Costerisan has been recognized as one of the
Best Firms to Work For in the last six years. This is primarily
due to the work culture, which encourages employees to
challenge themselves and hold each other accountable. On the first Thursday of every November, Maner closes its doors
for the afternoon and sends team members to volunteer with
“We are very proud of the awards we have won, but what we nonprofits making a difference in communities across Michigan.
do every day is what leads to that,” said Williams. “Giving
people flexibility and keeping it fun is important, but we Many workers start with little to no experience, but Maner
never lose sight of accountability. We try to reinforce that so Costerisan is where new hires can learn necessary skills that
everyone understands expectations.” help them excel.
Maner Costerisan's mission is to enable others to reach “You last this long if you take care of your people,” said
their potential. This mission is carried out through the Williams. “If you’re being engaging and listening to them,
consulting work they do with clients and the experience it’s amazing the level of service you can achieve. We always
given to employees, particularly entry-level employees. want to allow our employees to thrive.” l