Page 10 - LRCC October 2022 Focus
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The UN's Essential Role Over 77 Years
By Joseph Hess, former President, Greater Lansing UN Association
ince the formation of the United Nations in
1945, when the world population was around
S2.5 billion, the population has grown to over 8
billion. With that growth has come a dizzying array of
advances in transportation, communication, research
methodologies, weaponry, and every other facet of
human life. Those advances have also dramatically
increased conditions that cause human conflict and the
temptation to use violent methods to resolve disputes. Alex Ustinov/Pexels
Every nation was impacted by the loss of life and
economic and environmental damage during World War Destroyed residential buildings in Ukrainian city.
II. The UN was formed to address international conflicts
via a binding agreement among national governments to prevent Russia from escalating a regional conflict
to use the UN and its agencies and commissions to into another international war.
peacefully resolve international disputes and preserve
our planet for future generations. Businesses in Greater Lansing are beneficiaries of the
UN's global operations, which facilitate international
Those mechanisms have been effective in preventing commerce. Lansing Regional Chamber members can
another global military conflict until Russia's Vladimir support the UN's work by advocating on its behalf
Putin violated his country's commitment to abide by and by assisting in the resettlement of refugees and
the United Nations Charter. The Russian invasion of preparing them to enter the local workforce.
Ukraine in 2014 and its expansion in 2022 have been
condemned by UN officials and the majority of UN All are invited to attend the UN's 77th-anniversary
member nations. Sanctions designed to stop and program and dinner at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 23, at
reverse the invasion are affecting national economies the MSU Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center. For details
around the world. NATO and the UN are collaborating and to register, go to l
LRCC Members Recognized on Crain's Cool Places
to Work List
reater Lansing has numerous outstanding Congratulations to these outstanding LRCC members
employers who provide great job environments who received the Crain's Cool Place to Work 2022
Gfor their team members. The Lansing Regional Designation:
Chamber of Commerce (LRCC) is proud to recognize
our members who made the list of Crain's Cool Places • Martin Waymire (#18)
to Work in 2022. This statewide survey and awards • Cinnaire (#19)
program is designed to identify, recognize and honor • NTH Consultants, Ltd. (#30)
the best places of employment in Michigan, benefiting • Maner Costerisan (#40)
the state's economy, workforce and businesses. The • Public Sector Consultants (#43)
2022 Cool Places to Work in Michigan list is made up • Michigan First Credit Union (#46)
of 100 companies in three size categories: small (15-49 • Clark Construction Company (#61)
U.S. employees), medium (50-249 U.S. employees), and • Dewpoint (#84) l
large (250+ U.S. employees).
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