Page 7 - LRCC October 2022 Focus
LRCC Joins with Greater Lansing Hispanic Chamber to
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
he Lansing Regional Chamber of advance communities
Commerce is proud to join with across the country as
Tthe Greater Lansing Hispanic small business owners,
Chamber of Commerce and other veterans, teachers,
community leaders in celebrating and public servants,
National Hispanic Heritage Month, among many other
which runs from September 15 to professions. Hispanic
October 15. Hispanic Heritage Month Heritage Month
aims to celebrate the histories, cultures, allows us to recognize
and contributions of American citizens Benavides our achievements and
whose ancestors came from Spain, contributions to our
Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and national story.”
South America.
“In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Greater Lansing
“It is fitting that we recognize the Hispanic Chamber (GLHC) is proud to be part of, support, and
enormous contributions the Hispanic celebrate the growing Hispanic Businesses in the Lansing
population has made in our region,” region. Bringing recognition to this vibrant community is a
said Tim Daman, LRCC president and way to highlight the rich culture it is well known for. We are
CEO. “It is particularly noteworthy to see excited to play a role in expanding on the inclusiveness to
the increasing number of Hispanic- unify all groups and embrace the unique differences and
owned businesses that are creating Garcia contributions made toward economic growth,” said GLHC
jobs and providing opportunities in Co-Chairs, Elizabeth Hernandez and Chaz Carrillo. l
the Greater Lansing region.”
“Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
not only means to celebrate the
positive contributions from Hispanic
Latinos, but it is a reminder that
Hispanic Latinos are Americans first
and we are coming from very rich
and diverse cultures and countries,” Hernandez
said Sein Paul Benavides, a Latino
community leader in Mid-Michigan.
“Everyone knows about Latino foods,
but we are so much more and gaining
new footholds with representation
in every pocket in this great nation
of ours. Latinos accounted for over
51 percent of the population growth
between 2010 and 2020.”
Hispanic entrepreneurs are the fastest
growing segment of business owners in the U.S., as they
have ownership of one out of every seven small businesses
in the country.
“National Hispanic Heritage Month and similar efforts have
an ever-growing positive impact on our society. Today it
is common to see companies, municipalities, universities,
and non-profit organizations strive to create a diverse and
inclusive work environment where clients and employees
are celebrated and respected,” said Joe Garcia, CEO of
Cristo Rey Community Center. “Latinos today continue to
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