Page 9 - LRCC October 2022 Focus
P. 9



                                                                         NEW LOCATION

            State of fitness is moving to the                            Our new location will be in the heart of the
            Stadium District of Downtown                                 Stadium District of Downtown Lansing
            Lansing! State of Fitness is ready                           located at 154 South Larch Street. Once
            for its next chapter in its evolution                        Stamprite is being fully renovated by the
            to continue to help change people's                          Gillespie Group.
            lives through fitness!
                                                                         NEW KEYLESS ENTRY
            The past 12 years have been a                                Ready to workout on your own time? No
            dream come true for the State of                             problem. Our new hours will be 4am -12am.
            Fitness family. We are forever                               Just install our new Salto justIN app to gain
            grateful to the community of                                 access to the facility. Our new app will
            Meridian Township and all of their                           make training on your time effortless.
            love and support during our time
            in East Lansing.                                             UPDATED FACILITY & EQUIPMENT
                                                                         Smaller facility, more attention to detail. We
            All details available at:                                    have teamed up with the best designers
            MYSTATEOFFITNESS.COM/LARCH                                   and contractors in the area to help us
                                                                         design and build out our new facility.

                                                                         MORE PERSONALIZED

                                                                         We're committed to your goals. Our move
                                                                         means more personalized training sessions
                                                                         and service. We aim to achieve this with
                                                                         smaller sessions and an improved business
                                                                         model for our employees.

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