Page 12 - 2023 April FOCUS Magazine
P. 12
February Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion
Series Focuses on
Building Inclusive and
Accessible Workspaces
uring the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Series • Some employers have reservations related to the
on Feb. 22, the Lansing Regional Chamber of costs of needed job accommodations. However, these
DCommerce was joined by a panel of experts to concerns are largely unfounded. Research conducted
learn more about how to build inclusive and accessible by the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) reveals
workspaces. The panel discussion was hosted at Peckham that the majority of workplace accommodations cost
Inc. Panelists included Justin Caine, visionary and co- nothing. Of those that do incur a cost, the typical
founder, Good Fruit Video; Meegan Winters, co-founder and expense is $500. Moreover, many accommodations
CEO, AbleVu; Sarah George, director of mission initiatives, improve the workplace for all employees.
Peckham Inc., and our discussion moderator Anna • Sourcing qualified candidates with disabilities
Warbach, MA, CRC, business relations consultant, Michigan doesn’t have to be challenging, thanks to the many
Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity. organizations and resources supporting disability
employment. Michigan Rehabilitation Services and
Important highlights from the panel discussion include: non-profit organizations specializing in disability
employment are two examples of available partners
• Disability is diversity and should be a key component of that can help employers hire qualified candidates
workplace diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility with disabilities and that can also provide disability
(DEIA). awareness training and other workplace support. l
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