Page 8 - 2023 April FOCUS Magazine
P. 8
The Ever-Changing
Role of Capital Area
District Libraries
By: Hailey Kenward, Kolt Communications, Inc.
apital Area District Libraries (CADL) has been
a staple in the Lansing community since 1998.
CThis year they celebrate their 25th anniversary.
Events to commemorate this momentous occasion
will be held throughout 2023. Visit to
learn about CADL’s celebratory events.
Since 1998, CADL had to adapt to many technological
and societal changes, not only concerning their
role in the community but also with the kinds of
goods and services they provide to the capital area
community. Their ability to adapt has helped CADL
become one of the top-performing library districts in
the state by circulation.
“It helped us, being a young district library, because
we are willing to take risks to adapt to the changing
needs,” said Scott Duimstra, Executive Director of CADL. “We want to continue to evolve. However, it is important
“We started making changes to digital platforms early, to allow libraries to serve their traditional purpose,” said
which has since proven to be a positive change. Our Duimstra. “Having a quiet, accessible space will always be
public averages over two million digital and in-person something people need from libraries. Our goal, regardless of
check-outs annually.” us adapting, is to always be that for those around us.”
Despite having a large digital presence, an offering that For more information, visit l
began in 2005, the library still circulates over a million
print books. Their commitment to a digital library was
incredibly beneficial when the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
During 2020 when the physical library was closed, CADL Five Businesses Named
had the ability to promote the digital resources they Among America’s Best
already had available, which allowed them to continue to
thrive during the pandemic. Large Employers
CADL hopes to continue to expand the ways the library
assists the community. For example, CADL provides local ive businesses with deep ties to the Greater
businesses a library card with access to LinkedIn Learning, Lansing region have been named to the
which offers thousands of high-quality online courses to help F2023 Forbes America’s Best Large Employers
people learn in-demand skills, including business skills. list. Forbes partnered with the market research
firm Statista to compile the list of America’s best
Additionally, CADL’s Student Success Initiative (SSI), large employers. The ranking is based on a survey
which has been in the district since 2018, has provided of about 45,000 workers at American companies
10,000 students in the district with free library cards. and institutions with 5,000 or more employees.
After noticing a student attendance gap, CADL wanted Congratulations to these outstanding organizations
to help students reconnect and ensure they had access named to the prestigious Forbes listing:
to library services.
• DTE Energy
New this year, the library system is offering an SSI • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Scholarship to two graduating high school seniors with an • Auto-Owners Insurance
SSI account. The recipients will receive $1,000 each to use • General Motors
towards any college-related expenses. Learn more about • Meijer l
the SSI and SSI Scholarship at
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