Page 5 - 2023 April FOCUS Magazine
April 2023
POLICY & REGULATORY SERIES: THE Cost: The program is offered at no cost for Lansing
4/4 FUTURE OF BUSINESS AND A.I. Regional Chamber members and $25 for future members.
Tues., April 4 from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Lansing Regional Chamber, 500 E. Michigan MEMBER MIXER
Ave., Suite 200, Lansing 4/11 Tuesday, April 11 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Consumers Credit Union, 6935 South Cedar
Artificial Intelligence isn’t a thing of the future anymore. Street, Lansing
More and more companies are using AI either for
automation or to allow their employees to achieve more Consumers Credit Union is pleased to invite you to raise
complex goals. Learn more at the Policy & Regulatory a glass and cut the ribbon at our first office in Lansing
Education Series led by Emily Wisniewski and Taylor Gast, a 4:30 p.m.! Join the Consumer’s team for afternoon of
attorneys at Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC. networking, refreshments, tours and a showcase of the
latest in banking technology.
Cost: The program is offered at no cost for Lansing Regional
Chamber members and $25 for future members. Cost: The program is offered at no cost for Lansing
Regional Chamber members and $25 for future
4/6 Thurs., April 6 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center, ATHENA WIN PROFESSIONAL
219 South Harrison Road, East Lansing 4/20 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT:
Learn more about the goals of the MSU Athletics Thursday, April 20 from 8 to 9 a.m.
Department and the current state of MSU Athletics from Lansing Board of Water & Light REO Town
Alan Haller, vice president and director of athletics at Depot, 1201 South Washington Ave, Lansing
Michigan State University during the Lansing Economic
Club on Thursday, April 6. The conversation will be Please join us for the ATHENA WIN Professional Growth
moderated by Audrey Dahlgren, sports director, WLNS. & Development event, focusing on taking a holistic
approach to wellness. Featured presenter, Joy Wagner,
Cost: Tickets are offered at no cost for Lansing Economic human resources manager at Granger Waste Services,
Club members, $55 for Lansing Regional Chamber will lead a discussion on meeting mental, physical and
members and $75 for future members. A table of eight is spiritual goals, to help reach a place of better self-care.
$425. She will also discuss wellness in the workplace, including
easy ways to jump start a program for your organization.
4/11 CREATING AN ASYNC-FIRST Cost: The program is offered at no cost for ATHENA WIN
WORKPLACE CULTURE IN 2023 members and $25 for future members.
Tuesday, April 11 from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Lansing Regional Chamber, 500 E. Michigan DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION
Ave., Suite 200, Lansing 4/26 SERIES: EVERYDAY PRACTICES
Synchronous meetings are complicated to coordinate; INCLUSION & BELONGING
schedules are hard to align, and bouncing from call to Wednesday, April 26 from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
conference room to task time can be disruptive to teams. Lansing Regional Chamber, 500 E. Michigan
As a global leader of communication solutions, TechSmith Ave., Suite 200, Lansing
wondered how they could create a new internal strategy of
having “fewer, better meetings” for everyone? So, TechSmith During the program, Dr. Vernon A Woodley, P.h.D,
conducted a month-long asynchronous-first experiment diversity, equity and inclusion specialist at Lansing Board
with two primary objectives: to better understand async of Water and Light, will define what we mean by diversity,
workflows and communication, and to reboot TechSmith’s equity and inclusion. Next, Dr. Woodley will articulate why
own meeting culture and communication. In this session, DEI matters to every organization. Finally, Dr. Woodley will
Emmie Musser will share what we learned and best identify 12 everyday actions that every employee can take
practices to positively impact employee satisfaction, job to help create a culture of inclusion in their workplace.
attitude, productivity, and innovation. Not all meetings can
or should be replaced, but identifying which ones can and Cost: The program is offered at no cost for Lansing
how to replace them will offer your organization greater Regional Chamber members and $25 for future
flexibility and productivity and more dedicated “think” time. members.