Page 9 - 2023 April FOCUS Magazine
We had a wonderful time at our Member Mixer on A talented panel of women leaders inspired the audience
Tuesday, March 14, hosted by Shaheen Cadillac of Lansing. at the Lansing Economic Club forum on Thursday, March
Guests of the event enjoyed a delightful spread of food 9. The distinguished panel of women leaders included
provided by Amayesing Graze and the beauty of the newly Jill Marlan, founder and CEO, Peak Performance Physical
renovated showroom. Congratulations to the winners Therapy; Re'Shane L. Lonzo, co-founder and CEO, DRM
of the three giveaways at the event: $100 gas card: Tara International Learning Center; Jo Sinah, chief executive
Peplowski, Wharton Center; Quick Lube voucher, Tom and inclusion officer, Peckham Inc., and State Senator
Almazan: Flooring America; Cadillac camp chair: Mike Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing). The forum was moderated
Coyne, Dewpoint. Join us at the April Member Mixer at by Jessica Tramontana, community affairs specialist,
Consumers Credit Union on Tuesday, April 11. Consumers Energy.