Page 17 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
P. 17

Schor                                                   Fletcher

        and equipment that will allow for the high-volume output          STATE AND LOCAL LEADERS
        necessary to produce cells at this capacity. The project is       STEP UP TO THE PLATE
        expected to generate a total capital investment of $2.6
        billion and create 1,700 jobs.                          To clear the way for the GM announcement, state and
                                                                local governments approved a series of incentives. The
        The GM battery plant is the single largest economic     Michigan Strategic Fund approved a $600 million Critical
        development project in the history of the Greater Lansing   Industry Program grant, an 18-year Renewable Energy Zone,
        region three times over.                                which will require an investment of up to $2.5 billion and
                                                                a $66.1 million Strategic Site Readiness grant awarded to
        “This truly is a great day for the Greater Lansing region,”   the Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP) for public
        said Tim Daman, president and CEO, Lansing Regional     infrastructure and utility upgrades.
        Chamber of Commerce. “The
        construction of this battery plant                                           "LEAP has been proud to lead
        will not only create new jobs and                                             regional efforts around this pivotal
        investment in our region, but                                                 historic moment for Michigan
        it also secures our long-term                                                 and the Lansing region. We
        future relationship with General                                              collectively thank Ultium and its
        Motors. It will firmly establish                                              investing partners for choosing
        our region’s world leadership                                                 the Lansing region and Michigan
        position in the next-generation                                               over other location options, and
        electric vehicle revolution.”                                                 acknowledge the crucial personal
                                                                                      leadership of Governor Gretchen
        “This investment represents a    Daman                  Trezise               Whitmer and MEDC CEO Quentin
        major commitment to Lansing                                                   Messer, our state legislature and
        and our incredible workforce,” said Lansing Mayor Andy   the outstanding leadership of Lansing Mayor Schor, Delta
        Schor. “By building these electric vehicle batteries here   Township Supervisor Ken Fletcher and BWL CEO Dick
        and further investing hundreds of millions into upgrades   Peffley," said Bob Trezise, president and CEO of LEAP. "This
        at our two assembly facilities, GM is telling the world to   project represents a secure future for our region and state
        take a look at our region. This is truly historic, and we   in making electric-powered vehicles, batteries and systems,
        have to take advantage of every opportunity that can    along with potential semiconductor/chip-making and other
        grow out of this investment.”                           high technology-related companies and suppliers that will

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