Page 20 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
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“We assembled 800 acres for the Delta Township “Michigan will be the recognized hub and leader of
plant and there was additional land attached that we innovation in the U.S. for EV R&D and manufacturing,” said
added at the same time,” said Hollister. “We had the Mark Reuss, president of GM.
land, we zoned the entire 1,500 acres, and we built the
infrastructure. Essentially all you had to do was change “It is my sincere goal to add one million people to our
the dates, update the deal points and you’re done.” population in Michigan,” said Sen Horn. “We lost a million
people between 2005 and 2015. We need to get them back.
Hollister also credits a working, viable coalition of When people migrate here from around the country, they
local leaders, including the Chamber, Delta Township will bring their talent. We also need to keep the population
Supervisor Joe Drolett and labor leaders. He says going we have here at the same time. The GM announcement
forward the region will have to up its game because was a great kickoff for a bright future for Michigan.”
competition from other communities around the country
is getting tougher. “I’ve been told that auto companies will not transport
batteries a long distance,” said Fletcher. “Having a battery
“We have become the focal point for battery technology plant close by plus the additional $500 million GM is
and electric cars,” said Hollister. “This is transformational investing in the two existing assembly plants shows their
for the region. Our future is unlimited if we keep our intent to keep utilizing the facilities in this region for the
regional focus.” long-term.”
“This incredible investment, and the jobs it will create, “This shows that the Lansing region is a strong player in
is truly historic for our city. Lansing’s automotive the future of the automotive industry,” said Mayor Schor.
history started in 1896 when Ransom Olds built his first “The skilled workforce that will grow out of a major battery
“horseless carriage,” said Mayor Schor. “One hundred manufacturing facility can certainly help entice other
years later, Mayor David Hollister led the successful effort businesses and investments to come here and build their
to “Keep GM.” Today, I am proud to continue this proud products knowing that our region has the talent and
tradition and welcome the newest investment by General drive they need.”
Motors in the future of automobiles right here in Lansing.
Thank you to all our partners and GM for this massive “The GM investments demonstrate a much longer-term
investment in our future.” commitment over the foreseeable future,” said Daman.
“They certainly see something here with the facilities
“Without the collaboration we had in the late 90s and they have, workforce, local economy and infrastructure
early 2000s with the Keep GM Blue Ribbon Committee, that is in place here. This bodes well in anchoring our
we are probably not here in 2022 celebrating this manufacturing sector for the next two to three decades.”
significant investment from GM,” said Daman.
“The moral of the story is when and if we can all come
STAKING OUT A together and put aside politics, we can still do enormous
LEADERSHIP POSITION good for people,” said Trezise. “We can move the needle
and we have demonstrated to the whole world that
The GM investments move Michigan and the region to the the state of Michigan and the Lansing region are very
head of the pack in the EV revolution. These developments significant players in the global arena for the future
also secure Michigan’s/GM long-term future together. technologies of an economy.”